by Barry Hastings

(Writer’s note: Since the writer of the report I summarized for you last week works at TheAmerican Enterprise Institute, readers should be aware that some of his opinions could be interpreted as “scare-mongering.” On the other hand, I wouldn’t want to stake survival on it — yet. My friend Woody Cordier, an air-power specialist, and broadly-experienced defense historian, tells me his conversations with military pilots leads him to believe both F-15 and F-16 can “wrangle with the very best any nation can provide… They should be very cautious closing with MiG-21s,” he said, adding, “The plane is known as a tough in-fighter.”

MuckrakerMilitary matters at rest, and a problem just as worrisome, (how about “frightening?”) global warming, pops up.

For several years in a row, now, at mid-to high-summer, people at Nome, Alaska (where I made brief, periodic calls in a Coast Guard Cutter, 1957-’58 — always cold and damp), have been sunbathing on the Arctic beaches. The mouths of most Alaskan (and many more in Greenland) glaciers no longer reach the sea. A recent Southeast Pacific Ocean storm was the largest ever recorded. Many parts of the country are falling victim to weird, powerful storms of water, wind, hail and concomitant flooding, in record-breaking torrential storms. Recorded temperatures running 20-plus degrees higher than in the recorded past in once-frigid Lake Superior. Drought, and unimaginable fires, are sweeping the far western states.

Trump, and his herd of blustery, blundering naysayers, in face of 95-plus percent of science, continue denying global warming exists — saying nothing of the threat to the planet. What is the matter with these bozos? As Howard Dean (politician and doctor) said last week in Philadelphia, “The world was not created six thousand years ago” The whole bunch are living in the twenty-first century, but under an operating plan, and philosophies, geared to, and based upon, a science two millenia past.”

Well, what the hell, they’re at the edge of extinction as a political entity. They’ve become a disgusting, slimy, stinking shell of the party Abraham Lincoln helped build. If the dead can roll over, I’m sure Lincoln did when Republicans paraded their 17 ignorant presidential candidates, those many dreary months ago. Good luck with your choice.

As tough as Republicans are making things for our military forces, Mother Nature is boxing our ears with (seemingly) never-ending attacks of rain, snow, wind, extreme heat, fire, and flood. The poisonous flatulence of our manufacturing establishment is slowly killing us — all life, all day, every day.

Little being done to stop it. Which is why we need progressive leaders. We’ve dorked things up to the point it’s likely only ‘bigger’ science can save us.

Hague ruling irks China; officials there ‘very angry’

An international ruling from The Hague, “blew away,” the legal ambiguity long surrounding China’s claim to, “control the South China Sea.” It’s one of the world’s busiest trading routes, and China has rapidly been been militarizing islands, shoals — building military airstrips, and harassing commercial carriers and military vessels of the U.S., Japan, Vietnam, the Philippines and many other nations.

The ruling was issued by the Permanent Court of Arbitration, following a complaint from government of the Philippine Islands. Some U.S. officials have described the ruling as, “a 21st century, rules-based order over China’s 19th century plans for its own sphere of influence.” According to U.S. spokesmen, “By rejecting so many assumptions underpinning Chinese claims in the region, the ruling has put China, on the spot. Further militarization will mean China is acting outside the bounds of international law.”

“China has to make a decision,” said U.S. Senator Ben Cardin, adding, “is it going to adhere to the rule of law and act like a world leader with responsibilities, or is it going to go its own course.” Senator Cardin says he believes, “They will probably assert their sovereignty by additional island-building or military activity.” The potential for serious military confrontation between “us” and “them” looms large — and close. (A thorough, two -age article in the Financial Times of July 17 will open your eyes). There have already been cases of “push coming to shove” between the U.S. and China in the region, and are likely to be more, sooner, rather than later.

Larry Hamp(Where is Trump on these serious matters of possible conflict with China {and Russia)? He’s silent, because he knows little about either, and understands less. (” The Silence of the Lambs.”)

Before the recent ruling from The Hague, China was operating, “in an environment of much greater legal ambiguity,” said a DOD spokesperson. When our Navy began a series of “Freedom of navigation operations,” tailored to, “challenge excessive (Chinese) claims,” a senior U.S. defense official said SECDEF Ash Carter held, “dozens of hours in meetings with defense department legal experts.” Resulting legal signals were “often confusing.” The Hague ruling clarifies the issues involved. There will likely be more, and perhaps more dangerous, confrontations in the future – most likely, in the near future.

Hackers hit Dems, media and Trump blame victims

Hillary… stay tough. Why are these hacks being used as a club by the media? I don’t lie, and I’m telling you, every computer system in the U.S. government has been hacked, many of them have been hacked many times. Enough of them to make me nervous, are being hacked, “rat naow,” as Corker, Graham, & Company would say. The same holds true for business, industry, and critical infrastructure. Hackers were in the DOD computers for some two years, before being discovered. Any government system containing information of financial, defense, diplomatic, scientific, even general interest to potential enemies, has been hacked, and will be hacked again — many times.

Hell, each of us has had our personal information invaded, perused, evaluated,and spread around the world like volcanic ash in a high wind. If they ever manage to shut down our power grid, you device-heads will be at loose ends for something to do. When it happens, the first thought in my mind will be, this is WAR! And, as W.S. Churchill might have said, “It shall be.”

On a sad personal note:

My classmate of twelve years in the Hastings school system, Barbara (Burkey) Couch, died June 29 at Gull Lake. She was a beautiful, active girl, and grew to be a beautiful, active woman. She married her high school love, Everett (Ev) Couch (a year ahead of me and a very good guy) in late fall 1958. They stayed that way for 57 years. I believe the last time I saw her was late 1956. Still, I hate to have her gone. She loved life as a girl. From what I’ve heard ans seen, she loved life her whole life.

Calm seas and a prosperous voyage, Barb.

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