I plan to vote for Mike Bloomberg in the primary because- he’s taking the fight to the madman. Every one of his public statements amounts to a direct assaulon the record of the most dangerous man ever to occupy the Oval Office.

Even moderate Republican office-holders fear his wrath. Bloomberg’s record and his wealth make him impervious to Trumps slanders.

Republicans in the Senate are locked into goose-stepping with the President’s ignorant base. It saddens me to see so many veterans mindlessly cheering as he attacks our selfless diplomats, intelligence services, and the very armed services they were once a part of.

When John McCain was running for president, I told my friends I wouldnt vote for him, buI wasnt afraid of him winning because  I knew he loved the country. Trump, however, appears to be doing all he can possibly do to enhance the political, military position of all the world’s strongmen and despots, with the sole exception of Iran’s mullahs and Ayatollahs. His (still) continuing attacks on the long deceased Senator McCain disgust me, and should disgust every veteran of our armed forces.

The Trump record in business and politics is one of lying, cheating, slandering small contractors and businessmen, hardworking diplomats, brave soldiers. His disdain was made, evident when he lied, about there being no casual ties from Irans rocket. attacks on American air bases in Iraq. There were nearly three. dozen casualties of the worst kind — closed head injuries to the brain.

Of course, those kinds, of injuries don’t matter much to a man who took half a dozen deferments to bone spurs on his foot. during the war in Vietnam. (He later couldn’t recall which foot was. affected.)I suspect it was thone in his gut.

Trump’s (attempted) intimidation of ambassadors and decorated military officers via tweet while they testified about his scurrilous attempts to manipulate Ukraine‘s fledgling democratic government, should make every American sick to  his or her stomach.

The worst impact will be on our already skeptical long term allies. How much confidence in oucountry will states like Canada, France, England, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Japan, South Korea and: many others have in the ties that should bind us, but no longer do.

No much, I’m afraid. And in this dangerous world, a nation without friends, is a nation in deep, very deep manure.


Pat Brewer
January 29, 2020
“Barry”, this is exactly why I am so glad you are back! You hit all the nails right on the head. In regards to the Iran missiles, now T rump says the head injuries are really only headaches? Further proof of total disregard for anyone other than himself. I’m not sure America could survive another year of him, let alone four.
Don't Tread On Me
January 30, 2020
Mr. or Ms. Pat, Get used to it, 5 more years of Trump. I had to endure the Obama years, you can make it through Trump years. Then 8 years under President Pence.
Lynn Mandaville
January 30, 2020
Nice column, Barry. I echo many (most?) of your sentiments. I don't fear a Republican president if he's a mentally balanced patriot. What we have is a man who is batsh*t crazy.
January 31, 2020
Mike Bloomberg is the outlier Trump 2020 doesn’t want on the November ballot. Donald J Trump has always had an aversion to spending his own money as seen in 2016 when he pivoted and started fundraising. Getting other people’s money is why he filed the necessary documents to create Trump 2020 to start his re-election campaign on the day he was inaugurated Jan 20, 2017. For all the bluster from Donald J Trump claiming he is a billionaire, there is no way to prove his claims because he refuses to release his taxes that could verify his billionaire status. However Bloomberg’s net worth is $56B. At this stage we don’t have an unchallenged candidate to run as a Democrat. But if Bloomberg ends up as the Democratic nominee and he keeps his pledge about outside money, even Trump’s billionaire donors are going to balk at writing the checks Trump 2020 will be asking for to run against a verified billionaire.
Harry Smit
February 2, 2020
Couchman I know we all think differently but what makes one think one billionaire is going to be better than another... One can believe as they see fit. But when persons who get to that billionaire mark......does anyone really believe they got to that point by really caring for the needs of the "common man ".. I do not know any billionaires, but a few that have made a million or two....have shown their upmost goal is get money any possible way. Hence, we the lowly will never be in a position to govern. One gets controlling positions because of their wealth not necessarily their skills. Even at the lowest position in local government it takes money to campaign.
February 2, 2020
DTOM We have had this discussion before but it seems your brain only retains info it wants to cling to. It is Mrs. and I still don't know why it matters to you. I do plan on making it through the trump years. Didn't America "make" it through the colonial years under the English? It still doesn't mean it was a good situation. As to the following years, don't bet your life savings on it. Either way, I will be at a point in my life where it won't matter much. Unless Pence decides Social Security is totally unnecessary or closes all the nursing homes because they take up too much space.

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