My proposal is simple: halt the 2020 vote, and award the presidency to the person who got the most votes. The Electoral College in a remnant of days gone by.
Let the people decide. Like every other democracy does.
The two worst presidents in modern history both came out of the Electoral College after losing the popular vote. Perhaps that’s merely a coincidence, but it’s striking nonetheless.
Count the votes. The winner takes it all. Let the people decide.
Sorry, the Constitution isn’t set up that way. If that were so, states with less population would be irrelevant in elections.
The Democrats have done what they always do. Cheat, cheat, cheat some more and then cry when it doesn’t go their way.
In 4 years of Biden and then Harris rule with Communisn and taxation running rampant, maybe the Americans left will oust the yoke under which they think they want (if all votes are indeed legal and proper). I think they will think more taxes to help those unwilling, but not unable, to help themselves, and gas at $4-5+ per gallon and illegals invading the country will sour them on the wonderful lying Democrat Party.
Whining and crying? Seems like I have seen quite a bit of that just today. I can’t say I’m surprised. Cheating? Repubs in Calif. with fake drop boxes for ballots; seems like cheating to me. If the dems are cheating, shame on them. I don’t think cheating means you’re smart, as Trump once said. Certainly, if there is cheating, as he alleges, then complaints should be investigated – if there are any credible reports, other than “If I lose, they’re cheating.”
Basura, where did you see what you allege about Republicans and “drop boxes”?
I think your imagination is working overtime.
Under a constitutional democracy, which I have come to understand the United States is, the electoral college makes sense.
The other 165 +/- countries claiming to be democracies have voting systems that may or may not represent the wishes of the people in choosing their leaders.
In a utopian country having everyone who is qualified to vote and have their votes count would be wonderful. It just doesn’t happen; currently there is no utopian United States.
Our system may be flawed, but is still much better than most. If one goes back to whom the first voters were and what qualified them to vote, one sees that today if those same qualifications were in place, the percentage of qualified voters might be reduced by +/- 60%. We have come a long way since then. Change is never easy.
Corruption, fraud, graft, etc., was and always will be cited as to why someone or something wins by voting.
The fact is many today cannot accept the fact they lost. Just maybe, this idea of there are no losers, everyone gets a trophy has spread too far. We need to get back to reality there are winners and losers in life. Accept that you lost and work within the rules to win the next round.
Otherwise, we have definitely slipped to the level of those third world countries we have always been trying to save.
Mr. Smit, I agree as long as everything is fair and legal in the voting process. Right now in many states, it is not. Every voting machine should be monitored by cameras and both party observers.