Mike Burton2The horrific terrorist attacks in Paris have gotten a lot of reaction. Some of that reaction, according to Madeleine Albright, is deeply disturbing.

The former U.S. Secretary of State opines in last week’s TIME, “We have always been a generous nation, and we have a rigorous program for refugee resettlement, that balances generosity with security. It works, and should not be stopped or paused.”

It is noted that the terrorists in France were all European citizens, and not refugees. In the desire to make America safer, some leaders – or would be leaders – are suggesting action that can best be described as un-American. Closing our country to refugees is in direct opposition to who we are. And to who we have always been. We are a nation of immigrants; that is, apart from Native Americans, who are, native americans. Our country has been described as a melting pot – and as a salad bowl.
Even more anti-American are the calls to shut down immigration except for refugees who are “Christian.” This reprehensible idea clearly violates the constitution. It’s also not very well thought out, given acts of terrorism in this country by the likes of Tim McVeigh and Dylan Roof.

When I wore the uniform of our country’s Marine Corps, I did not think of myself as defending our country’s flag, but rather defending our country, as it was set forth in the constitution. I served with other men, American men, white men and black men, Native American men, Hispanic men, and at least one closeted gay man.

My friend Marlin, who was killed the day before I was wounded, was the son of an Alabama coal miner. There were Christians of many varieties, Mormons, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics.   Two men in my platoon were close friends. One was Puerto Rican, one was African American. They were very amused that the skin of the Puerto Rican was a darker tone than that of the African American. In the Corps, we were regularly reminded that Marines are all one color – green. Diversity is a strength of the United States. Diversity comes in many forms. We are a country of broad inclusiveness.

We Americans are a free and open society. We need to keep that in mind.

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