I love a parade, the tramping of feet, I love every beat – I hear of a drum.

I love a parade,

When I hear a band, I just want to stand, and cheer as they come.

— “I love a Parade”   Arden & Ohman

Here’s a great idea for the Donald. He could combine his Trump Military Parade Spectacular with that second visit he’s planning with Vladimir Putin.  This time it is to be at the White House!

The first visit went so well, so swell, let’s have another! Both events are tentatively scheduled for this autumn. Think of the advantages of this suggestion to have the parade and the visit together. This is an idea worthy of a very stable genius!

It would save the U.S. a lot of money. The estimate for the parade is currently at $12 million. That’s a lot of money; nearly as much as the $14 million the joint military exercises (“war games”) with South Korea might have cost – and they were scrapped because of the expense. So a way to cut costs by combining the events would be welcome by fiscal conservatives, and who doesn’t like a parade?   

Putin’s visit would be expensive on its own; there are no formal estimates yet.  You know as well as I do that entertaining can be expensive. Costs of hospitality mount up. But having one joint affair might be a sensible approach. Inviting Putin to the parade gives the guys something to do more than have secret, unrecorded (?) talks.

Having a fun activity is always nice, and takes a lot of pressure off our president to hold his own against a stronger, better prepared adversary. He – Putin – could enjoy a fancy buffet, and eat Donald’s lunch literally, instead of figuratively, as at the first meeting. 

Don could show off our military might, and scare the bejesus out of Vlad.  Stick it to the Russki, so to speak. Vlad the Impaled. Don could dress up, of course, and wouldn’t have to do a lot of talking, just smile and review the troops and maybe salute some.   

Don’t forget, Don is taller than Vlad. That should count for a lot. Especially if there’s a lot of standing during troop review. Height is one contrast in which Don is clearly superior. 

This would be another example of Our Very Stable Genius president. Very, very smart. Very, very stable. Bigly.

This is a chance for our commander in chief to reduce the taint he carries from the bone spur thing. Some think that if he could ski, and golf, and play tennis as a young man who “suffered” from bone spurs, he could have accepted his country’s call during the Vietnam War, but he didn’t. He could make up for that embarrassing chapter by not only having a parade, but having one of our chief adversaries in attendance.

Thinking ahead, you never know if it will be breezy the day of the parade, and you know Don likes to keep his ornate coif under control. Could there every be a better time to wear a Make America Great Again cap? And since Vlad gave Trump a soccer ball at the first meeting, maybe Don might want to present a MAGA cap to Vlad that day. Think of the photo ops. 


Harry Smit
July 22, 2018
Basura Please take no offense to my following comment. I have to be the only person of Polish descent in Allegan County to take so long to understand your writings. It wasn't till I figured the definition of your "pen name" that it struck me how gullible I was. Now knowing , I can fully enjoy your "penning "....
July 22, 2018
Thanks, Harry. I feel I need a pseudonym due to years working in criminal justice. Quite a few folks were incarcerated as a result of my efforts (and signed court reports). My duty was to the community; my efforts were not always appreciated by those with whom I interacted. This wasn't the only part of my career, but I did it for nearly ten years. Actually, most people thought I was fair, but some of those who went to prison on my recommendation took it personally. I no longer carry a sidearm, or handcuffs, or pepper spray, and no longer have arrest authority. I think it best that I minimize my public profile. Mrs. Basura agrees.
Harry Smit
July 22, 2018
Understood ????????????????

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