Age is a very high price to pay for maturity.” — Stoddard

The people of the Great State of Georgia spoke again last night, electing Rev. Rafael Warnock to serve a six-year term in the United States Senate.

Warnock served out a two-year term of the prior office holder. He ran for the seat at the midterm. He got just a few more votes that his opponent, Hershel Walker, and was unable to avoid a runoff.  Warnock won the runoff last night, in a close race.

Now that the contest for the senate seat is over, with Warnock victorious, Hershel is free to pursue other opportunities. And what would be better than as running mate and on a ticket with former president Donald J. Trump? 


With Trump facing numerous prosecutions for criminal behavior, Walker could be helpful in deflecting some of the media attention away from the beleaguered ex-president. No one draws as much media attention as Trump, of course, but Walker is a celebrity in his own right.

The former great college football player, and good NFL player, Walker is known far and wide for his gridiron achievements. Big and fast, he was good at what he did. Now, at 60 years of age, he is still remembered for being big and fast. And he can still do an impressive number of pushups!

Imagine Hershel performing the diplomatic duties that befall the Vice President of the United States. Might he announce that “my erection is for the whole world to receive? ” If he caught the error, he might smile boyishly, and his FOX pundits would report that his charm is just Hershel being Hershel. He’d be 100% pro-life, supporting a total ban on abortion (with only very narrowest exceptions).

Many might question his distant relationship to the truth, but this shouldn’t be much of a problem when teamed with his best advocate, Donald Trump. Many might be troubled with Hershel’s claim to have worked as a law enforcement officer (erroneous), or his similarly erroneous claims to have been valedictorian of his class, or to have graduated from University of Georgia. Do any Trumpkins think such whoppers would bother The Donald?  Not likely.

There is a reason that Donald so heavily promoted Hershel Walker to be the junior senator for Georgia. They were meant for each other. Of course, the Dems would love it. So would the comedians. And pundits. Some have suggested that Marjorie Taylor Greene might be a good running mate for Trump – but Walker would be more fun. 


December 7, 2022
That's your best attempt...
December 8, 2022
C'mon, David. It's not all that bad. The reference to narrow exceptions to ProLife, is clever, encouraging the reader to to consider what exception Walker might have in a no-abortion stance. Seems like Hersh got some attention for some personal flexibility he's shown. And what about Walker's imagined quip about his "erection", harkening back to his earlier gaffe when he misspoke "election" and "erection" ? I almost feel sorry for the guy. But he really is grossly unfit to serve the People of Georgia in the U.S. Senate. Really, the Republicans should be ashamed for having nominated him. As McConnell said, there was a problem with poor candidate quality. Hershel. Dr. Oz. Cari Lake, Doug Mastriano.
Just an old farmboy
December 9, 2022
"Grossly unfit to serve the people...", Are you sure you didn't confuse Walker with biden? There seems to be an awful lot of confusion when it comes to politics lately. Especially if you take a liberal point of view. Just saying.
December 7, 2022
Great insight on what former POTUS Trump saw as an ideal US Senate candidate. It also says something about how Trump supporters think and vote.
Edward Bergeron
December 7, 2022
And just think of the MAGA Cabinet possibilities: Kanye for Secretary of State, Omarosa as Secretary of Defense, Pillow Guy running the Treasury, Ted Nugent at Veterans Affairs, RoseAnne Barr for Press Secretary, Attorney General Kid Rock in charge of the Justice Department, and best of all, Vladimir Putin can serve as both Chair of the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff, and as White House Chief of Staff. It's genius, huge, and nobody does it better.
Christine Anderson
December 8, 2022
A match made in heaven!
December 8, 2022
I would say a match created out of HELL! just my opinion Skoal!!
Lynn Mandaville
December 8, 2022
Basura, It is the humble opinion of those in the Mandaville household that there is only one valid reason Trump, or the Republican Party, would have had for promoting Walker for Senate: he is malleable and seems able to remember his "plays." Therefore he is acceptable as a puppet in the Senate to do the bidding of Republican puppetmasters. We are thankful that Herschel will not be gracing the halls of Congress.
December 9, 2022
Well, yeah Lynn, but he can do lots of pushups.

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