“All will be revealed.”  —  Anon.

What’s going on with Donald Trump? He seems to lack a consistent point of view. In the last few days he’s reversed himself (walked back/flip flopped/pivoted) on numerous positions. He takes the viewpoint of whomever spoke with him last. He apparently has no positions of his own.

Steve Bannon was the top advisor – and now he’s on the outs. Some suggest that Trump is afraid to fire Bannon, because then Bannon would likely return to Breitbart News – with an ax to grind.

Observers have noted a very significant change in Trump’s vocabulary over the last 15 years or so. He uses far fewer words than he did. These things are countable – and a diminishment of vocabulary is not a good sign. Some of his awkward linguistic constructions, his repeating of phrases (It’s going to be terrific. Really terrific. I’m telling you, trust me, really terrific!) suggest that his challenges in expression should be of concern. His working vocabulary has decreased. This is not a good sign.

The American Psychiatric Association has a rule strictly prohibiting commenting on the mental health of public officials by anyone that hasn’t examined the subject. This rule makes sense, but it is noted in that the lack of comment from psychiatrists does not mean there are not observations made.

Some of this stuff is observable by anyone. There hasn’t been a lot of clarity from the administration. U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are not always on the same page. Have Ivanka and Jared superseded Bannon at the top of the heap of advisors? Poor Sean Spicer has no idea what to say as spokesman for the administration. In fairness, Spicer digs plenty of holes on his own, but the job of conveying what the president means is a challenge.

We’re told not to focus on what Trump says, but on what he means. Kellyanne told us to consider “alternative facts” and to “look into his heart.” I try to do that, but you and I and others may come up with different interpretations if the words spoken are not indicative of inherent meanings. I may guess one thing, you may guess another. We may “look into his heart” and see different things.

Perhaps some of this speculation leads to an interpretation as to why the strange medical report by the odd doctor during the campaign was so peculiar. There was no visit to Bethesda Naval Hospital or Walter Reed Army Hospital. One might guess that a man of Trump’s enormous wealth would have access to the best of medical care. We all can hope that Trump avails himself of a good neurological workup.

The narcissism is a longstanding component of his personality. It is a separate issue, psychological rather than neurological.  But if there are organic changes in the brain of the oldest man ever elected* president, that could have serious implications throughout the world.

*By the Electoral College, not by the American people. Have I gotten over it? Perhaps. Have I forgotten it? No.

1 Comment

Free Market Man
April 17, 2017
Mr. Obama (President Obama) is the picture of narcissism and egotism. A man in love with himself and his own voice was never known before the Big "O". Maybe a close second would be Mr. Clinton (President Bill Clinton). Both were and are smarmy, arrogant, and narcissistic individuals.

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