“Man’s most valuable trait is a judicious sense of what not to believe.” — Euripedes

It was Hillary.  She used an old security pass, either from her days as First Lady, or else from her time as Secretary of State.  Her credentials weren’t valid, of course, but can we be surprised?  She knows the layout of the White House better than most.  She snuck into the Oval Office, and altered the weather map to show a mark for the hurricane Cone of Uncertainty to show Alabama hit by Hurricane Dorian.

What did she use to alter the map?  It was a black felt tip marker, most probably a Sharpie.  Why that device?  Because, of course, it is what President Donald Trump loves above all other such instruments.

People would speculate that our president had done the alteration himself, especially since he was so adamant that Alabama was in jeopardy.  Whether the good people of the Great State of Alabama needlessly went about hurricane preparation can be directly attributed to that terrible Hillary, who has been causing a lot of trouble since the election of 2016.

A lot of people are saying.   Sour grapes, no doubt, because of her bitterness that most Americans that voted, voted for her.   Can we expect good behavior from a woman that ran a pedophile sex ring from a pizza joint in New York?  And didn’t she serve as a senator from New York?    I rest my case.

“Markergate” was done just to embarrass President Trump.  People are talking.  Wondering if he’s really a stable genius.  So sad!  Now people will wonder if he’s gone around the bend.

1 Comment

Don't Tread On Me
September 12, 2019
Well you may be onto something. Mrs. Clinton screwed up two presidential bids (you notice she didn't run as a Senatorial candidate from her home state of Arkansas as she would have been laughed out of the state but in Lib Land New York she was a shoe-in!). Everything she touched she screwed up, remember the following: Whitewater, Cattlegate, Bill's numerous affairs which she insisted he didn't participate (oops, that damn blue dress!), Benghazi, Russia "Reset", Democrat cheating in last election debates giving her answers to questions. her pitiful last campaign where she didn't appear once in Wisconsin, and Russian Collusion hoax paid for and endorsed by her campaign and Democrats. Yup Basura, she's screwed up so often I wouldn't doubt your assertions. Nice job Detective Basura!

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