“You gotta know when to hold ‘em
and know when to fold ‘em. . .”   — Sung by Kenny Rogers, “The Gambler”

Donald Trump has been pMike Burton2ublicly disrespectful of the following: Capt. Khan’s parents, all Muslims, Muslim Americans, people with physical disabilities, Megan Kelly (about whom he said “she’s bleeding from her whatever”), POWs, John McCain, Mitt Romney, Jeb Bush, the Bush family, John Casich, Lindsay Graham, Michael Bloomberg, Judge Gonzalo Curiel, Mexicans, Mexican Americans, and women.
He refused to release his current tax returns, or even his recent returns.
He says bring business back to America, but manufactures the Trump line of clothing in China, Slovenia, Vietnam and Bangladesh.
He favors torture by the American military, re-thinking NATO alliances, mass deportation, the building of a wall along the border.
Trump demonstrates troubling ignorance, for example in telling George Stephanopolus that “Russia will never invade Ukraine.” Mr. Stephanopolus informed Trump that that had already happened. In response, Trump referred to Germany’s taking Austria, because, he claimed, the Austrians wanted to be German.
Trump took four student deferments, and then a medical deferment for “foot problems” (saying left foot, later right foot and finally both feet. He loves Purple Heart medals, and that he always wanted one – but not enough to have served in his country’s uniform.

Trump offers no specifics, other than “I’m great at building walls.”
He wants huge tax breaks for the rich.
He’s endorsed no one, except Vladimir Putin.
His entire life has been devoted to the accumulation of wealth to add to that given to him by Daddy Trump. He can point to no public service.
Trump failed to pay his contractors to whom he owed money for construction projects.
He ducked out of the last Republican primary debate, pledging money to veterans’ groups, and then apparently forgot the pledge until rMichael Burtoneminded by the Washington Post.
He is narcissistic, impulsive, vindictive, and nasty.
He doesn’t read; he gets his information “from the shows”.

President Barack Obama said, “I had disagreements with Mitt Romney. But I never thought he was unfit to be president of the United States. Trump is unfit.”

I concur with that assessment. I’ll vote for Hillary Clinton. If I couldn’t do that, I’d not vote. I couldn’t, in good conscience, vote for Trump.

1 Comment

Free Market Man
August 4, 2016
"What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?" Your fate awaits in the hands of a liar like Hillary Clinton if she ever gets to the White House. She takes no responsibility for anything, ever.

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