• Add to my art collection, with pieces that complement items like my Mariachi Santa, armadillo carving, ironwood turtle, robed mudmen, and assorted Buddha icons.

• Visit my old Marine buddy in South Carolina, and commiserate about Vietnam and the deaths and woundings(in so many ways) of so many of us – and also get inside scoop on Roy Moore, from someone well connected to the Republican Party of Alabama and South Carolina.

• Continue to reign as #1 Champion, of my entire household, in Freecell!

• Practice pool skills (with a cue stick).

• Garden as directed by

 the Chairman of the Grounds Committee (weather permitting) without an inordinate amount of whining.

• Give Donald Trump all the respect he deserves  (i.e.: continue with present vilification).

• Indulge myself more often with liverwurst, perhaps prepared in the style of Jim Harrison’s character BD, the Yooper who liked it thick, on rye bread, with a big slice of onion and hot mustard. (remembering that this is best enjoyed on occasions of solitude).

• Practice pool skills (with swim goggles).

• Follow the Mighty Detroit Lions with sustained vigor. I remember their World Championship (in 1957; my dad was so pleased), and hope 2018 will be when they Restore the Roar. I notice that since they hired a bevy of cheerleaders they’ve been doing better. 9-7 this year. 9-7 last year. If I were to start referring to the Detroit Lions in the third person plural might that be just the boost they need to take it to the next level?

• Ask Townbroadcast Editor David Young for another raise in pay – perhaps modeled after the arrangement made for Anais Nin, something along the lines of $00.01 per word. This should not be misconstrued as comparing my humble talent with that of the great Nin, or other literary luminaries, such as the aforementioned Jim Harrison, or Tom Robbins, or Andy Borowitz. But still… C’mon, I’m on a fixed income.

• Continue to embarrass myself speaking Spanish during snorkeling season, on Isla Cozumel, and trying to a few Mayan words, like Xtabentun or Dzul Ha, to amuse the wonderfully fun bartenders and dive shop guys.

Happy New Year to All,

Y Prospero Ano Nuevo…


Lynn Mandaville
January 1, 2018
Feliz ano nuevo! Just reconnected with our exchange student from Espana last night! Need to brush up on some elementary Spanish myself! Thanks for a column that brought a big smile to my face!
January 2, 2018
Si, coma no? Gracias, senora.
Walt Tarrow
January 1, 2018
Admirable, mos def righteous resolutions! Raised by a vice cop sporting a well gripped pool cue, I once was able to work my way around a snooker with ease. Would love to pick up the cue anew with you sometime.
January 2, 2018
Wouldn't that be fun? I'm nothing great, but above average, I'd day. I did a little piece in Townbroadcast about playing billiards (learning some fundamentals) on Bonaire. my favorite is cue sport is 9 ball, but I like them all.

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