“Well, yeah, that’s just, you know, like your – opinion – man.” — The Dude, from the Dude, in The Big Lebowski 

President Donald Trump’s values are antithetical to mine. I know that he is not on the midterm ballot, but he looms large as the leader of his party. His endless falsehoods, his cozy relationship with Vladimir Putin, his blatant disregard for the emoluments proscription (which prohibits high government officials from real estate dealings, or profiting from other financial dealings with foreign nationals), and his “love affair”, as Trump describes it, with Kim Jong Un.

His disgraceful attacks on political opponents and journalists are shameful. It is also shameful that the Republicans, with very few exceptions, refuse to hold him accountable.

I have voted for Republicans. I won’t vote for any this election. The GOP may say what they wish in private, but almost invariably, they support Trump even when it is obvious he’s operating outside the normal parameters of governance. If the party in power won’t check him, won’t balance him, then I can only hope the other party will do so.

Is it all about Trump? No, of course not.

Gretchen Whitmer may not be perfect, but, my goodness, she knows how things work. Bill Schuette was Attorney General of Michigan, and he was asleep at the wheel during the Flint water crisis. He has also been in favor of taxing retirement income (though he now seems to disavow that position).

Debbie Stabenow has served as a U.S. Senator, and effectively advocated for Michigan, for farmers, and for veterans. I’ve met her; she’s smart, capable, and has the demeanor and temperament befitting her position. John James is a veteran, and good for him, but does he have anything else we should know about him?

I don’t mean to imply that I am totally independent. I find that the Democrats have championed things like Medicare, Social Security, health care protection for people with pre-existing conditions, OSHA, the ability to keep dependent children on policies until the age of 26 (as opposed to age 21), and marriage equality.  The Democrats seem to take the position that the best person to make decisions about a woman’s body is the woman.

The GI Bill, providing educational assistance to veterans, was a Dem program in its inception, and when it was revised and improved a few years back. I have voted for Republicans. I try to keep myself informed. I’ve spoken with Jerry Ford. Paul Henry.  Bob Dole. Liddy Dole. One served as president as a Republican. One was the Republican nominee for president. Perhaps they’ll be slurred as RINOs (Republicans in name only), but I’m not buying it.

On the proposals, I will vote yes 4 times

I support correcting gerrymandering, the purpose of which is to subvert the will of the people.

I support early childhood education.

I support voting rights updates.

I support legalizing cannabis. Having worked for some years in criminal justice, I find criminal sanctioning for use of marijuana to be a wasteful use of resources, ineffective, enforced selectively and potentially harmful to those saddled with a criminal conviction. I’d rather see taxes going into state coffers, rather than have profits going to Mexican drug cartels.


dennis longstreet
October 26, 2018
i agree with you 100%. I am sure Army Bob and Ranger Rick will disagree and say Trumpy has no blame. Just slug them in the mouth body slam them lock them up, bomb the shit out of them. Just words from Trumpy? But I never said that only on national TV. Lies and more lies. Just Trumpy, so thats OK, not in my book!
October 27, 2018
Thank you Dennis. You might be interested to know that, according to WOTV, the Trump Baby Balloon is flying over downtown GR today (Saturday, 10/27 from 9-4), over Rosa Parks Circle. It's too far for an old man to walk, and too cold to bike, but don't I have to go out and pick up nsome drycleaning anyway? Will people be taking selfies?
dennis longstreet
October 27, 2018
I see Trumpy leaving for another rally. Who is paying for all this crap? Air force 2 in Michigan, Air Force 1 in indiana. That's $92,000 per hour. Is it the same people he's running into the ground? Or do you think Mitch and Lindsey are kicking in?Sure is cutting into his golf time. Oh well, I am sure he cheats anyway.
Harry Smit
October 27, 2018
Doesn't anyone find it strange that since Trump has become President everything that is negative to someone, or happens in this Country it is President Trump's fault. I'm waiting to see,hear, and read how President Trump so upset the thousands in Honduras.....that with no forethought grabbed their flag , little or no belongings and are walking to storm our border to enlighten our President and his supporters. If you truly believe everything the President does is horribly wrong....get your doctor to increase your meds or at least vote yes on the marijuana issue and after a few puffs ...your hate will melt away, birds will sing, and you may even be happy
dennis longstreet
October 28, 2018
Storming our boaders armed with m16s and bazookas. How many starving terrorists have you ever see? Keep hugging your Trumpy Bear and believing everything he says. Good luck. By the way, I cant stand smoke. Already Hhppy with no hate just disappointment. And feed the birds every day.

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