“Lying lips are abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly are his delight.”  — Proverbs 12:22

The Republicans are well blessed with not one, but two Sarahs!

Of course, we all remember Sarah Palin, the self-described “Mama Grizzly,” who served, albeit briefly, as Governor of Alaska.  That is, until she resigned after 18 months. Her selection to be John McCain’s running mate in the presidential campaign of 2008 may, or may not have, doomed his presidential chances, but she tried.

Now Sarah Huckabee Sanders is resigning from her job as White House Press Secretary.  She may be considering a run for Governor of Arkansas, a job once held by Daddy Huckabee.

Sanders, not related to Senator Bernie Sanders, as far as we know, has shown marked improvement in the important virtue of honesty.  She has not borne false witness, at least in her role as White House Press Secretary, in at least 94 days!  As chief apologist for President Trump, that is no easy feat.  She admitted, under oath, that she had provided false information, also under oath.

Some might argue that she has been faced often with the dilemma of lying or telling an unpleasant truth.  But in a sign of real professional growth, she has avoided the Hobbesian Choice by not having a White House Press Conference in more than three months.

Sure, there used to be daily events, and she’s drawing a fat salary paid by the citizens of the United States to do a job.  But given the choices she’s been facing, who can blame her?  Let’s face it, folks, being Press Secretary for Donald Trump isn’t an easy task.

Could she give the People of the Great State of Arkansas the same job performance she gave the American public?  Let’s let the voters decide.

She made great strides over the last three months in reducing the lies.  That can’t be a bad thing.


Don't Tread On Me
June 15, 2019
Even after she resigns, she is classier and more truthful than all the media Trump haters. Jim Acosts is the biggest ass of the media, he should be banned from any White House press briefings.
June 15, 2019
Really, Don't? She did admit to giving untruthful testimony, if that means anything. But maybe I'm being too picky. I say bring back Anthony Scaramucci. He was a lot more fun, and seemed to have a better grasp of the job. I understand you don't seem to care for Jim Acosta, but what would be the basis for banning him from White House Press briefings? It can't all be Fox folks. As far as Sarah H. Sanders being "classier" thanks for that interesting perspective. Oh, please note, former Free Trade Man: the tariff threat did the job, and now the border problem is solved once and forever, with Trump's secret agreement with Mexico to halt illegal immigration. And we, I mean Mexico, will save a ton of money not having to build that big beautiful wall.
Lynn Mandaville
June 16, 2019
Trump has lied more than 10,000 times since taking office. Every time Sanders repeats one of his lies she adds to her tally of untruths. Lying is not classy. Rudeness is not classy. She speaks for the office of the president, therefore a high standard of honesty and character should be part of her job. Sanders has embraced only the worst of Trump, and none of the high traditions of that office or her own. Your views on freedom of speech and freedom of the press seem a bit skewed.
Lynn Mandaville
June 17, 2019
Clarification of my remarks. The last sentence was in reference to Mr. Don't, who seems to think selective censorship of the press is all right. He seems to think, as our fearful president does, that the press is the enemy of the people. It most certainly is not, regardless of one's opinion of the messages offered to the readers.

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