“. . . Leave those kids alone!

All in all,

It’s just another,

Brick in the wall.” 

Pink Floyd, “The Wall,”  Darkside of the Moon

There’s never been a president like Donald J. Trump. His whole persona was based on lying.

His family name was Drumph, and they were from Germany. Fred Trump, the father of Donald, didn’t like the sound of that, so he invented the fiction that they were from Sweden. Donald knew this was a lie, but yet he put the Swedish heritage thing in his book. It’s odd.

Donald’s prominence came to the fore with his perseveration about Obama not being an American. Remember, he sent a squad of lawyers to Honolulu to investigate the hospital records. He kept up this lie long after it was clear it was not true.

The Washington Post has kept a record of the thousands of lies he’s told in his almost two years as president. Biggest inauguration. Rampant voter fraud which kept him from having won the popular vote. He said he never knew anything about paying off the porn star Stormy Daniels, or the playboy model Karen McDougal. There are substantial rumors that he paid for McDougal’s abortion, about the time that he was keeping company with her – but I can’t say that happened, because I don’t know it to be true.  But I’m hearing a lot about it. People are saying. . .

So I imagine Trump’s advisors have been cautioning him to pay more attention to truthfulness. So maybe that explains why he got so worked up when a call was routed to him as NORAD was doing the tracking Santa Claus thing, traditional this time of year.  He talked to a 7-year-old boy. He asked the child if he still believes in Santa. Our president then told the boy it was “marginal” for a 7-year-old to still believe. Can any of you imagine doing this to a child?

Is this a newfound interest in truthfulness? We can hope.


Harry Smit
December 27, 2018
I am not going to try and defend or oppose any of your examples. Just mention a couple of points. Does any President really tell the whole truth??? Sending Americans in war has any President said X amount of you will die or is it just assumed? When they declare disaster relief money are we told where it is coming from? Or do we assume no other program or department is supplying it? These questions and examples could go on for ever. So does asking a 7 year old if believing in Santa is marginal horrible ? Most youngsters if they watch enough TV have come to doubt his existence. If an adult were to insist there truly is a Santa Claus flying from roof top to rooftop delivering presents..they maybe looked upon as not mentally stable. At some point we all knew there was no Santa Claus. Is 7 the right age to know this ? As my children and grandchildren grew most knew by age of 7or8 there really was no jolly fat man flying to their rooftop, Were they damaged upon knowing...I doubt it, they were taught that Christmas was a religious not a commercial time of celebration. They knew this was the day Jesus birth was celebrated, they also knew there was St Nicholas who was different that Santa Claus. There is a saying from a movie (I believe its' A Few Good Men ) " You can not handle the truth " ...which sadly our society has become....the truth is the truth no matter how offended you are by it.
Lynn Mandaville
December 27, 2018
Basura, I hate to burst your hope bubble, but this chat with a seven year old is not a harbinger of new-found truthfulness in our president. It is, in fact, and sadly so, another example of DJT's insensitivity toward another person. He doesn't have the social skills to assume the innocent belief of a child for one of the wonders of the season. And if he had an inkling of what damage he might be doing to this child's sense of wonder, he wouldn't care anyway. But I applaud your ability to still hold out hope!

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