“You are who you associate yourself with” ― Batya Maman Sabag

Just when we thoughMike Burton2t Tiger Woods reputation could sink no lower, he’s found playing golf with Donald Trump.

Just when we thought the reputation of Linda McMahon – and the whole WWE professional wrasslin’ circuit – could sink no lower, she’s connecting with Donald Trump. He’s said he’ll appoint her to Commissioner of Wrasslin’ or some such; I guess it’s to head the Small Business Administration. No doubt those sore loser liberals are going to try to tell us pro wrasslin’ is fake.

Just when we thought Betsy DeVos was totally discredited for what she did and tried to do to the Michigan public schools, she’s selected by P.E. Donald Trump as Secretary of Education. DeVos is Dutch for fox; who would be better to guard the henhouse, and protect the great tradition of public education of American children?

Just when we thought Vladimir Putin was at the nadir of worldwide public opinion he writes a “very nice” letter to Donald Trump. Was Putin just joking when he called Trump “a useful idiot”?

Just when we thought that nuclear proliferation was derided by everyone but Kim Jong Un, we find it enjoying its moment under P.E. Don Trump. (note to George W. Bush, who no doubt would read TownBroadcast, if he were a reader: the word is pronounced “new’ klee er,” not “newk you’ lar.” W, you almost had it by the end of your eight years; keep working on it, Buddy – yoMichael Burtonu’ll get it yet).

Just when gentalia grabbing – without consent — is considered low class, offensive and sexist, not to mention criminal, we have a self-described star in that venue headed for the White House. And I wonder if the new Prez will find time to judge Miss Teen USA? Mitt Romney was castigated for having “binders full of women,” but somehow, I don’t think Romney and Trump had the same thing in mind.

The rotting of America from within is already beginning, with our new President-elect, and the inauguration is still a few weeks away.


Free Market Man
December 27, 2016
Good try, Mr. Basura. Keep up the ill-informed work, the know-nothing administration of President Obama is being replaced by those that have real-life experience and are accomplished, replacing professors and ivy league do-nothings, know-nothings (exception of what is in books), and no accomplishments in the "real world", political hack types that are in way over their heads. Finally, we will get movers and shakers in government. It will be a fun four years (hopefully eight - IF Trump advances the country and does at least half of what he states). Democrats and Remocrats beware, you are endangered species within D.C.!
Robert M Traxler
December 27, 2016
Mr. Basura, Sir, you never disappoint; the meds for Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) are not helping. Imitation being the purest form of flattery, you are using Ranger Rick’s words. Of course, you know that, being a left-wing person and smarter than anyone. I must admit you are a unique person: a liberal United States Marine. The Marines are not noted for being Bernie Sanders type liberals.
December 28, 2016
In my experience, there were many liberal Marines. I would guess that during my time there was a mix, and I could cite many that are left of midpoint - and many that were on the right, and many that were apolitical. Interestingly - and I don't know that I've expressed this much before - but I've participated in groups run by the VA for Vietnam vets. With an admittedly very small sample, it seemed to me that those vets with combat experience tended to be more cognizant of the horrors of war in a tangible way. It seemed the most gung ho, kill-'em-all-and-let-god-sort-'em-out types were rear echelon types. This does not in any way demean their service. They put on the uniform and went where they were told. At the gym I attend regularly, I see one fellow that is very much on the right wing. He seems to believe that military intervention is the answer for everything. He actually has defended the actions of Army officer Wm. Calley, if you can imagine. This guy never got farther than Okinawa, where he was in supply. We've come to a détente, I guess. We get along just fine, and swap a few old stories. We avoid topics that result in raised voices and belligerent posturing. I say this as one that accepts my share of the blame for our inability to have a civilized conversation about matters that are so emotionally laden that we reduce the good will we have for each other. So we speak about military equipment, and C-Rats, and various interesting Ports of Call, like Tijuana and Kim Village. Maybe fishing; he loves to talk about fishing. But we don't talk about war.

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