“There is no exception to the rule that every rule has an exception.” — James Thurber

“Not A Polished Politician”

We hear this about Donald a lot. Stuff like: “He’s not a polished politician. He speaks from the heart. We can tell what he means, even when he says something completely different from what he said before, or when he fails to say that which he’s intending.”

I guess he had a popular TV show. I never watched it, but it went on for several seasons, and a lot of people must have tuned in to it. He was “a star,” as he said in the Access Hollywood tapes, which he felt provided him with privileges, so to speak, not available to others.

If Trump was a polished politician, would he:

  • Praise our adversaries?
  • Try to ban Muslims?
  • Pardon Joe Arpaio?
  • Blame children for the transgressions of their parents, i.e. DACA? State that DACA people have nothing to worry about, and will be treated “with heart” from the Trump Administration, because he has great love for the dreamers, and then rescind DACA?
  • Call Indiana Judge Curiel “a Mexican”?
  • Continue to promote a silly, expensive, unworkable wall?
  • Falsely accuse former President Obama of wiretapping him in Trump Tower?
  • Equate the KKK and the Nazi and the Alt Right with “good people”?
  • Shabbily treat his underlings, like Sean Spicer, Jeff Sessions and others?
  • Appoint people like Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, Sebastian Gorka, Steve Bannon, and others of very dubious abilities and allegiances, to high government positions? Not to mention Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner and Don, Jr.?
  • Fail to disclose financial records/tax returns?
  • Fail to divest into blind trust business ties?
  • Actively pursue conflict of interest activities?
  • Allow his sons to manage his business interests, and then, describe such as a blind trust?
  • Order an end to transgender military service, despite objection from top brass?
  • Boast ridiculously about his own greatness – “I know more than the generals, I’ll win so much you’ll all get tired of winning, I’m the best president ever, with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln?”
  • Call the White house a dump?
  • Spend an inordinate amount of time golfing after having dissed his predecessor for golfing too much?
  • Have such ridiculous hair and makeup?
  • Brag about accomplishments when such have been so sorely lacking?
  • Demand two scoops of ice cream when guests only get one?

Donald is not a polished politician. Is that the best that can be said for him? Is that the only defense for this clown?  


Free Market Man
September 8, 2017
Mr. Basura, no matter your distaste for the present occupant of the White House, his title is "President" Trump and you need to tone down your TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) just because your candidate was lousy and nobody wanted her "leadership". She was a terrible candidate, ran a poor campaign, isn't all that smart, otherwise she would have won. Thank God she didn't! Keep this up and I pray for your health, your blood pressure must be high with that much consternation and anger - a stoke or heart attack could be possible. Please, for your sake, relax - smoke a doobie (I know how you Liberals love your drugs), drink a beer, sit around a campfire and keep saying "everything is fine, everything is fine". Maybe squeeze a relaxation ball or soft dolly to ease the stress. Get the stress level down.
Robert M Traxler
September 8, 2017
Mr. Basura, Sir, * "Demand two scoops of ice cream when guests only get one?" Impeach him for this, in the name of God how can we have a man like this as our President! * "Have such ridiculous hair and makeup?" Are you are not revering to Secretary Clinton? A second great reason to impeach President Trump!! By God jail him, better yet put him to death for bad hair!! * "Order an end to transgender military service, despite objection from top brass?" Not the current top brass, many of the Generals who testified before Congress objected to President Obama's policy. * "Fail to divest into blind trust business ties?" A blind trust is when a person is not involved in the decision process, regardless of who operates it. Who should he pick to run his business other than someone he trusts? Please open your eyes and see TDS is blinding you to common sense, his hair? Ice cream? makeup? President Trump wanted to ban folks from 5 to 7 nations all persons not just Muslims some 1.4 billion Muslims are welcome, very welcome. The media has said this so many times the left actually believes it, but I know you sir can, count to 1.4 billion. Thank you it was well written.
September 8, 2017
What, still no defense for Donald? I do not care one bit about his silly hair and makeup, or how much ice cream he eats. My point is that he seems to go out of his way to look ridiculous.
Robert M Traxler
September 8, 2017
Mr. Basura, Sir, "My point is that he seems to go out of his way to look ridiculous". And you do not care about his looks? President Trump does not need my defense, he is doing well and will do much better in the future. I firmly believe President Trump could cure cancer and achieve world peace and you would still hold him in disdain. That is why it is called Trump Derangement Syndrome. Come on now be happy, calm down, smile, be cool, be mellow, life is to short to be angry all the time.

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