“Don’t worry about a thing, Cuz every little thing’s Gonna be alright.” — Bob Marley

I see that President Donald J. Trump, on the Ides of March, declared that the Meuller Report should NOT be released to the American public.  His tweet appears to be a reaction to the overwhelming agreement of the United States House of Representatives that the report should be released.

President Trump, if you read Townbroadcast – and we both know that you do – take some advice from me.  I do mention you, Don, from time to time.  I think you love to read about yourself, so it is with some confidence that I believe my kind counsel will not fall on deaf ears.

You should absolutely welcome the report.  It is the best way to prove yourself worthy.  How better to clear yourself?  And what does it matter what the report says?  Tweet, over and over, maybe with lots of caps and exclamation points, that the report clears you of all wrongdoing, corruption or even bad associations.  It doesn’t matter what the report says.  Just declare it clears you.  Your loyal followers, plus all those “Fair & Balanced” folks at Fox News, plus maybe even those of the National Enquirer, will get on board and jump on your bandwagon.  You should welcome, or make a pretense of welcoming, the report.  Emit an air of confidence.  Don’t look so scared.

No one really knows yet what the report will say.  If it actually clears you, great, you can tweet, “Just like I knew all along.  I did nothing wrong.  EVER!  I knew I had nothing to worry about.”  And if it takes a negative tone, bull through it with bluster, and rest assured of the loyalty from all those people with the MAGA hats.


Lee Greenawalt
March 18, 2019
Excellent advice to Donald the Trumpet. Just blow your own horn and people will pay attention to the blast, not actual words about deeds from the past.
March 18, 2019
Yes, Lee. His perseverating makes him look kinda WEAK!!!
Lynn Mandaville
March 18, 2019
Basura, I like very much this short and sweet approach to the impending release of the Mueller Report. I have held (silently) all along that our fearful leader exhibits most of the characteristics of a guilty person, most of all the "I think the lady doth protest too much" trait of a guilty man. Innocent people welcome anything that will elucidate their innocence. An innocent Trump would sit quietly back with a smug smile of satisfaction and suggest "Just wait and see. Won't all you accusers look foolish when the truth is revealed and I am exonerated." But he doesn't. He is scared to the point of ridiculousness.
Don't Tread On Me
March 18, 2019
Trump Haters United - millions of wasted dollars, two and a half years of no evidence of "collusion" (even though collusion isn't a crime) all because candidate Trump declared maybe the Ruskies could find Hildabeast"s emails, because he knew nobody in Washington was ever going to look. The investigation should have been all about Clinton since she is a known criminal and mishandled secret information. And the Clinton Foundation should be investigated for fraud.
March 19, 2019
Tread - you know as well as I do that the report is yet to be submitted. We don't know what has been found. Your contention of exoneration is premature.
Don't Tread On Me
March 19, 2019
Basura, If they had anything of substance, they would have leaked it to the lying media and the spinning would begin. Since Little Bob can't find anything, I don't expect much from the "report", except woulda, shoulda, coulda. Don't get too excited because you will be disappointed - again! There's tons of dirt on Hildabeast, probably the media, FBI, and Justice Dept. won't pursue. You must ask yourself why is everybody scared of the Clintons?
March 20, 2019
Your argument is flawed. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Let's cool our jets until the report comes out. As I said, Trump should be hoping for exoneration. He's so afraid, It makes him look WEAK.
Don't Tread On Me
March 25, 2019
Two years, millions spent, President Trump exonerated from "collusion" and helping Russia during the election. The real culprits in this debacle are free: FBI, Justice Dept., all the liars and Clinton acolytes. They are the real criminals along with Hillary Clinton and her gang. They should all be investigated and sent to prison. And the lying, deceitful media - not a peep of an apology for being wrong for two years. Their power to persuade is at an all time low. True Americans, desist to listening to these morons. Trump 2020!

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