“There’s something happenin’ here. What it is ain’t exactly clear.” — Buffalo Springfield, 1967

David Frum wrote an article for The Atlantic about President Trump’s efforts to shield his tax returns from examination.

Many of us recall that Trump said he would release the documents – but he hasn’t done so.  In fact, he is actively trying to make sure that that release doesn’t happen.  Why is he taking this position?   We don’t know.

Trump did once say, “Not paying taxes is smart, right?”  Secretary of the Treasury Steve Mnuchin says he has not concluded that there is a “legitimate purpose” to turn the documents over to Congress.  The law requires no such determination of purpose.  The law requires the secretary to turn over the returns.  Neither Mnuchin, nor the President, nor the courts, have the authority on this.  Congress has the authority to subpoena, and documents so subpoenaed shall be presented.  This was clearly affirmed by the Supreme Court in 1975.

We don’t know the reason for the secrecy.  David Frum says Trump’s efforts to conceal his tax history could be something perfectly legal.  It could be that Trump doesn’t want the public to know he is not as rich as he pretends to be.   Or maybe there is something legal, but more embarrassing, like that he hugely benefitted personally from parts of the recent tax bill.

There could be secrets that raise national security concerns.  There could be a long history of financial crime.  We don’t know.  But as Trump digs in his heels fighting disclosure, many Americans may start to assume the worst.  Many already do.

Gallup Poll asked Americans, in September 2018, to rate Trump’s ethics in relation to other presidents. 68% saw him as less ethical than Ronald Reagan. 58% saw him as less ethical than Barack Obama. 52% saw him as less ethical than Bill Clinton. Compared to Richard Nixon, 43% saw him as less ethical, with 38% seeing him as more ethical than Richard Nixon.

Trump has tried to prevent disclosure of his dealings with Deutsche Bank.  He doesn’t want Special Counsel Robert Mueller to testify about his connections to Russia.  He’s already lost ground on the lawsuits from Maryland and D.C. regarding the emoluments clause.

Many of us are wondering about the legality and ethics of the 45th president.  His efforts suggest he thinks he has something to hide.  I think maybe that’s so.

Much of this was reported by David Frum in “The Atlantic”.  Frum wrote speeches for George W. Bush. 


Don't Tread On Me
May 9, 2019
There is no official requirement for any presidential candidate to provide tax returns, it is a courtesy of the candidate to provide, but not a requirement. Mr. Basura, your TDS is showing! Just side back, fire up a Dobie or drink some wine, whiskey, or beer ( whatever you prefer), and just say "Thanks, Peresident Trump" and enjoy the ride. A real leader is in charge now.
May 10, 2019
It is correct that there is no requirement that a candidate provide his tax returns, per se. But compliance with a congressional subpoena is mandatory by law. Trump didn't want to honor the longstanding tradition. But no one is above the law, and and this is a shall, not a may.
Don't Tread On Me
May 10, 2019
I think Trump will tell them to pound sand. See you in court.
May 11, 2019
Are you telling us that Trump is above the law? Is that because he is so Jesus-like, according to Jerry Falwell, Jr, after Trump had his fixer get rid of the naughty pictures/
Don't Tread On Me
May 11, 2019
What is good for the Obama Administration (contempt of court Holder), should be good enough for Trump. Get off the sex and "dirty pictures" routine, after all, it is just sex, and we all know who opened that sordid can of worms.
May 11, 2019
I give up. Who was it? Satan?

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