Trumpkins, where are you?

(Sung to the tune of “Frere Jacque, Frere Jacque”)

Where are Trumpkins?

Where are Trumpkins?

How are you today, sir?

How are you today, sir?

Run and hide.

Run and hide.

Where are those Trumpkins? They’ve been uncharacteristically quiet lately. If we hear anything at all, it’s never a defense of Trump, but an attack on the most recent former president, or the nominee of the other party in the last election. Nothing from them about Donald, or his many failures.

“I’m going to build a wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it.” Nope. “I’m going to repeal and replace Obamacare on Day One.” Not so much. “Drain the swamp”? You’ve gotta be kidding me. “We’re going to win so much you’ll get tired of winning.” Hmm.

Have you seen the photo from the Oval Office, with Trump, and Mike Pence, and Gen. Flynn, and Steve Bannon, and Rience Priebus, and Sean Spicer?  Pence is still around. The others have been bounced. Anthony Scaramucci is gone too, because he used crude language. I suppose he thought crude language was OK in the current administration. But the language, and the theme, of the Access Hollywood tapes, were not intended as templates for broader use, at least not by underlings.

Asked to cite his achievements, Trump mentions having successfully appointed Neal Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. I question that whole thing, given that Antonin Scalia died Feb. 13, 2016, and Trump wasn’t sworn in until almost a year later. The credit for the achievement, if you want to call it that (I don’t) goes to Sen. Mitch McConnell. It was Mitch who subverted the constitution by delaying the appointment for eleven months until his boy got elected. Mitch knew that Republicans couldn’t vote against (Obama nominee) Merrick Garland. They’d voted overwhelmingly for him in the past. So, he made sure it never came to a vote.

That might have earned him some loyalty points, one might think, but apparently not enough.

Trump wants to take credit for the bull market on Wall Street, but even the most cursory glance shows his predecessor inherited a DJIA under 7,000, and left with it at over 17,000. You remember Trump’s predecessor, don’t you, the African Muslim Communist masquerading as an American Christian moderate? The man who nominated the eminently qualified Garland to the Supreme Court shortly after Scalia’s death?

Trump said he wanted to wait until the facts are in before deriding the Ku Klux Klan and Nazis and the AltRight. Now he speaks out against that faction, but the response was only under pressure, and far too late. He seems to equate Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson, men who took up arms against the United States, men that fought to preserve slavery, to Washington and Jefferson. Many Republican senators have put country ahead of party recently, Sens. John McCain and Linsey Graham, Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski, and also Sen. Bob Corker from Tennessee and Sen. Scott from South Carolina.

Recently Gov. Chris Christie of New Jersey wasn’t seeming to be on the Trump Train. Rep. Paul Ryan, as is his way, has been guardedly critical, while cautiously avoiding alienating some of those base voters that like to display swastikas and Confederate battle flags. Ryan is a slick, poll driven politician, waiting for the right time to stick the knife into The Donald. I have no doubt he’ll do it, and then express how difficult it was for him.

Trump lies without hesitation. It started, for President Trump, when he spoke of the huge crowds for his inauguration. We needn’t talk about candidate Trump. But even as President, we’re told we shouldn’t take his words literally. His standing among world leaders, at least most of them, has sunken to the lowest point of any President of the United States.

Trump is becoming increasingly isolated. He is losing support from his own party, and from the public at large, with shockingly low approval ratings.

SAD ! ! !

Let’s hear from the Trumpkins about why Trump isn’t as bad as he seems. Not why Hillary would have been worse (she wouldn’t have been). Since she got more votes from the American citizens, those who bothered to vote, makes it an interesting discussion, but let’s hear not about Hillary or Barack. Let’s hear about Donald. Tell us how lucky we are to have such a noble person, with such a keen mind, in office.

The guy is not right.

This much I can tell you. This much I can tell you.


Bob Moras
August 23, 2017
Mr. Basura.......... FYI, all us Deplorable Trumpkins are still here. It behooves us that Republicans promised for 7-8 years that, when they got the majority in Congress, they would immediately repeal ObamaCare. So, if you want to give the credit for the Gorsuch appointment to McConnel, you must also give him the credit for his failure to get his cronies to repeal ObamaCare. Can't have it both ways my friend. Meanwhile, after Trump said it was both party's fault for the violence in Charlotte (which is true by the way), the reaction by Liberal Academia, is to make America a better place by removing statues of Confederate leaders, that have existed for decades and to pull Robert Lee from the ESPN broadcast booth. There is even talk of a protest of a school mascot, because it has the same name as Robert E. Lee's horse (Traveler). These are the same people that were voting for Hillary. Seems to me, if they wanted to do something important for those Black Americans in our society (and America), they would put a little effort in helping Rahm (in Chicago) to make Black Lives Safer in Chicago. But instead, that crew of Liberal activists, opted to do the Academic thing to right the course of our country. Is it any wonder that people with common sense became weary of 8 years and the potential for at least 4 more years of Academic cures for what ails our society? Is "The Donald" perfect in all he does? Of course not. He was not a career politician and is feeling his way toward choosing those people with the tacit skills to help him achieve his goals and promises. And God Forbid, if he is not successful in achieving all those goals/promises. Seems there is a history of failed promises by many of the leaders we have chosen to be President of the United States. I would think that you and everyone else would not be so surprised and/or personally offended by Trump not being capable of meeting all his goals in 8 months. Perhaps a little soothing in a safe space would quell the mental stress? Most colleges offer that and more for those that can not handle the reality or disappointment. That being said, this Trumpkin still feels better off for not having Hillary, Bill (king of misogyny) and his pal A. Weiner taking America forward. Anyone that can not handle Trump stalking her during a debate, seems kind of lacking the necessary skills to handle the confrontations of the North Koreans and Iranians. OOPS!! Forgot, maybe she could have worked some more of her magic with another red plastic "Reset Button" like she used with the Russians. Yup, I'm still a Trumpkin. And will remain so, until something better comes along. And I will support our President, in hopes that America becomes a better place on his account. Too bad that many can not do the same. They would rather hope that all their fears and expectations come true. Even at the cost of our well being in America. Ya know, many called Lincoln a Bumpkin, a Gorilla and incompetent. And we now recognize him as one of our greatest Presidents. In fact, it amazes me when I consider the similarities of how the electorate viewed each of these administrations. Perhaps we should give this some time and see how this all comes out.
August 24, 2017
The most recent right wing lunatic violence was in Charlottesville, not Charlotte. Charlotte was where the right wing lunatic shot up a church meeting killing black worshippers. Of course, no mention of domestic terrorism should not include the left wing terrorist that horribly wounded Steve Scalice in DC. The idiocy of taking sportscaster Robert Lee off a gig exemplifies how stupidity comes in more than one flavor. I wholeheartedly agree that Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents ever. Those who want to rank presidents would get no argument from me about Lincoln being the greatest.
Mike Williams
August 24, 2017
I'm confused and not long winded. Where the hell are we? I don't know. Where are we Americans united? Where?
Lynn Mandaville
August 26, 2017
I'm a little surprised that this column has been posted for three days, and still no Trump supporters have written to list his positive attributes or accomplishments. Bob Moras has responded, but primarily in defense of the lesser qualities of his champion by comparing him to the lesser personalities on the left. I would really like to hear from those supporters who can speak to The Donald's character and high-minded achievements. Being a natural-born listener I have made great efforts to listen beyond the bullshit for the reasons why people support Trump. I do understand the desire to try something other than the years and years of congressional gridlock, and the frustration of white men who feel forgotten in a growing diverse nation. So let's hear from you, Trumpkins. Sell your boy in real, concrete terms, in words that reflect why you admire his humanity, culture, intelligence and world view. I AM listening.

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