by Phyllis McCrossin

Today is Tuesday. Normally I would have written my column/blog on Sunday evening, but Sunday found us babysitting while our daughter worked. We got home late and went straight to bed. Yesterday we (our daughter, King and I) took the boys to Legoland. It wasn’t a late night but we got to the park when it opened and left when it closed at 5:30. When the King and I got home we went straight to bed, not even stopping long enough to eat dinner. Sweet exhaustion. I recall the last time my father went downhill skiing. He was 82 and made three or four runs, came home and slept for two days. I understand the feeling.
Yesterday was the longest Petra has been away from us since we adopted her in September. She is now glued to my side. She’s telling me in her doggy way, “You will not be absent from me again.” I think she likes us.
Yesterday was also the first time the boys felt confident enough to try the roller coasters. It was also the first time they were tall enough to ride on all the rides. And I believe they did just that – rode ALL the rides.
Legoland, for the uninformed, is geared for younger guests. There are no death-defying, spin you on your ear, 500-foot drops, or no cork-screw turns that hang you by your legs. The roller coasters are geared for the younger crowd. It’s a stepping-stone for their teen years. And speaking of teens, because of the age of most of the guests there were lots and lots of families (even for a Monday) but, there were no meandering hoards of teens, filled with angst over who was riding with who. (Or is it whom)?
King does not do roller coasters. It’s a motion sickness thing. But he does love to play the games and win enormous stuffed animals. Our daughter inherited that trait. The boys came home with two huge stuffed husky-looking dogs. There is now officially no room in their beds for humans to sleep. Our daughter says they will have to get rid of a few “stuffies” … eventually. I doubt it will happen.
This is our last week in California. We will watch one last little-league game tonight, have one last ice cream sundae party on Thursday night and then head out Friday morning for Michigan. Our goal is to be back in Michigan in time for an Elton John concert in April. My sister and I are going. We have both been fans since we suffered from our own teen angst.
On our way back we will be stopping in Quartzite, Arizona to collect more rocks for polishing. I have four sets of grandchildren (at least one from each family) who I’ve turned into rock hounds. To be fair, I think our youngest son’s children may have had help from their mother in the rock-hound regard. (They are also exceptional at finding beach glass).
Heading back in the spring is always bittersweet, but then again, so is leaving Michigan in the fall. We do what we do and find enjoyment in everything. I’ve learned contentment is all a matter of perspective. But that’s a story for another day.
In the meantime, stay safe, play nice and don’t kick sand in the sandbox.