A black bear was spotted Saturday afternoon at the edge of the tree line on the north side of 142nd Avenue just west of 24th Street near the border between Dorr and Salem townships. Facebook poster Bryan St. Onge asked, “Should we call the DNR?”


Tom Miller
April 1, 2023
April 1 item? It is barely believable but could be true as it's a wooded area. Then again...
Howie Koopman
April 1, 2023
HAHAHA! Must be a pet, because its always in the same spot.
April 2, 2023
???? that's a wood cut out of a bear ???? been there for years.
April 2, 2023
So is this a bad April Fool's joke?
Pat Brewer
April 2, 2023
No; it’s a GOOD April fool joke????????
April 2, 2023
Maybe the fear of the big bad bear will keep the liberals hiding in their homes. One can hope. My opinion already.
April 2, 2023
Only CINO could take something so simple and make it political, what a ass!
Dennis Longstreet
April 2, 2023
Only took 1 Jack ass to turn 1 April fools joke political .I would hate to live by him or even worst be related to IT!!
April 2, 2023
Not political...... but perhaps moral. My opinion, my choice .
April 2, 2023
You nailed it Dennis and like always the predator can't resist to comment, and I'm sure he's the pride and joy of his tribe.
April 2, 2023
Mucho thanks Enimigos for the chuckle.... I can almost always rely on a few of you all. Really thanks...it makes my day. My opinion.

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