New factory building25 Years Ago — April 11, 1990

The Allegan County Board of Commissioners voted 8-5 to table a request for a $25 per household annual recycling fee as a surcharge for the service. Coordinator Mary Jones urged the board to make a decision soon or she would consider resigning her post, citing lack of funding support. “We can’t continue to run the Allegan County program on the money we’re receiving now.”

Fire officials suspect that an iron left on was the cause of a blaze that resulted in $40,000 in damage at the Gun Lake area home of Paul Rose.

Michael Anderson, 19, of Plainwell, and Craig Drewyor, 20, of Shelbyville, were hospitalized with injuries they sustained in a traffic crash caused by drag racing on Marsh Road. Anderson was charged with reckless driving, refusing a preliminary breath test, failure to wear a seat belt, felonious driving and drag racing. The other driver, Edward Marshall, 25, of Shelbyville, was charged with drag racing and reckless driving.

Twelve candidates have filed for seats for Wayland Board of Education. Filing for four-year seats were Dennis Noble, Lee Pankratz, Marshall Allen Moore, Gary Marsh and Mike Browand. Two-year seat candidates were Roxie Muczynski, Michael Slawinski, Michael Kelly, Barb Kaminski and John Levandosky Jr. The one-year seat will be sought by Lynn Mandaville and Sandy Bowman.

Incumbent Karen Slater, Paula Sebright and Russell Davis will be candidates for two open seats in Hopkins. Incumbent Dave Sebright has decided not to seek re-election.

Dorr Township Clerk Dick Dutkiewicz said the Allegan County Road Commission’s estimated cost of $400,000 to pave 144th Avenue from 18th to 14th Street is more than the entire township budget.

The Martin Village Council has decided to stand firm on its requirement that the Carriage Stop Restaurant building either be moved out of the village, be made safe or be razed.

Kessler’s President Jim White is attempting to dispel rumors that the infant sleepwear manufacturer is in financial trouble. The firm recently has had layoffs andf a new facility is being built in North Carolina.

Phillip A. Burley, 30, of Moline, has been charged with second degree child abuse for injuries suffered by his 13-month-old nephew after being shaken.

Deborah Pierce was crowned Miss Martin in the annual pageant with the theme of “The Roaring Twenties.”

Renee and Ryan Konecny won the state championship in the Parent-Youth Bowling tournament. They Wayland twosome rolled the highest score of any competitors in any division.

 50 Years Ago — April 7, 1965

 The Globe has begun running series of articles introducing candidates for the Charter Commission, which will have nine members if the village voters elect to switch from a village to a home rule city. The first two introduced were Mrs. Max Vipond, wife of the village clerk, and J.R. (Russ) Rugaber.

In a very light vote of fewer than 20 percent of registered voters, construction of a new Allegan County Medical Facility was approved.

The Rev. Neil Horn, a 1957 graduate of Grand Rapids School of Bible and Music, has accepted the call to be the new pastor at the Wayland Calvary Church, succeeding the Rev. Bryan Jones.

Six Hopkins students, Elizabeth Pueschel, Ryland Truax, Barbara Kipfmiller, Carol Jager, Theresa Harnish and Karen McEwen, earned perfect 4.0 grade point averages for the fourth marking period. In Wayland, getting all-As were Betty Spencer, Richard Blok, Dennis DeHaan, Gary Finkbeiner, Catherine Graham and Sandra Potter.

Editor and Publisher Irvin P. Helmey, in another front page editorial, said of the proposal for Wayland to go to a home rule city, “There would be no change in the cost of social welfare to the city taxpayers. There would, in fact, be no added costs to operating a home rule city. As we grow and people demand more services, the cost of government becomes greater, regardless of whether we have a village or home rule type of government.”

Prof. Frank Vorhees of the political science department at Western Michigan University, was guest speaker at a special joint meeting of the Wayland Village Council and Planning Commission. He told members, “Home rule makes it more economical to provide services.”

The Hopkins Senior High School and Junior High School bands, under the direction of Gerald Paauwe, will present the annual spring concert.

The Wayland High School baseball and track teams were getting ready for their season openers. Meanwhile, the Wildcat tennis team dropped its season debut 7-0 against Cedar Springs.

Bide Blue won the Airport Lanes singles classic tournament with a 759 series.

The No. 1 song nationwide was “I’m Telling You Now” by Freddie and the Dreamers.

 75 Years Ago — April 5, 1940

 Wayland Township voters overwhelmingly voted 485 to 185 to consolidate into one school district with Wayland and have a building constructed with financial help of the Kellogg Foundation.

The Friendly Inn Restaurant burned to the ground about mile south of Moline on 10th Street. Owner Mrs. Mable Krynsten promised to rebuild at the site almost immediately.

Dr. James E. Bryson, described as “an old style physician,” died at his Wayland area home at age 78. He had practiced medicine here for more than 40 years, but had retired two years ago because of failing eyesight.

Editor Rollo Mosher penned, “The real sportsman is the one who thinks more of the enjoyment of getting out in the open to roam the fields and fish the streams and lakes than he does in bringing back fish or game he doesn’t need merely as physical evidence to gloat over to friends and acquaintances.”

In township elections, James Haveman was elected new supervisor succeeding Samuel Hanna. Lydia Frey was re-elected clerk and Harry Nevins treasurer. Roy Wilcox was elected supervisor in Hopkins Township, William Nicolai clerk and Mrs. Clifford Cook, treasurer. But in Dorr Township, Democrats dominated, led by Supervisor Joseph Barz and Clerk Ray Hilaski.

Miss Ella Ross is recovering after being listed in critical condition earlier at Blodgett Hospital. She had to have a finger amputated.

William Herb Auto Sales has been sold to Theodore Harmsen of Hamilton after being in business here for 10 years.

Movies at the Wayland Theatre included Lynne Bari in “City of Chance,” Jane Withers in “High School,” Don Ameche, Andrea Leeds and Al Jolson in “Swanee River,” Warner Oland in “Charlie Chan in Panama” and Martha Raye in “The Farmer’s Daughter.”

The Bradley Thimble Club met on Fri­day, March 26, with Mrs. Nelson Ring, 13 members and one visitor being present. The desirability of having some object to work for was discussed and many plans were proposed. It was finally decided that each member pay a fee of one penny at each meeting and that all join in work­ing to earn money in other ways to swell this fund.

Our new friend “Bot” came home with a new sparkler.

Dorr Township will vote on the return to pathmasters next Monday at the elec­tion.

The Maple Sugar social netted about $12.

William Schad last Thursday had the misfortune to get kicked by one of his mules, which broke his wrist.

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