25 Years Ago — Aug. 15, 1990

 EDITOR’S NOTE: Unfortunately, there are no old copies of Globe newspapers for the week of Aug. 15 and 22 at the Then & Now historical library in downtown Dorr.
Otherwise, the 25 years ago segment will resume Wednesday, Aug. 26.

50 Years Ago — Aug. 18, 1965

 A sudden summer squall caused thousands of dollars in property damage with heavy rain, flooding and high winds. Part of Earl Burkhammer’s building just north of town was blown off and the hangar owned by former Wayland High School band teacher Robert Gustafson was destroyed at the airport.

The Hopkins Village Council adopted a local ordinance governing disposal of dismantled and non-operating vehicles.

Mrs. Norman Lenhart and three children were injured in a storm-related traffic crash when their car collided with a vehicle driven by William Balfoort of Dorr on 146th Avenue west of 18th Street. All were treated at St. Mary’s Hospital, but no one was hurt seriously.

Pictures of three candidates for Cowbell Queen 1965 appeared on the Globe’s front page, including Nancy Novosel, Carol Lindgren and Susan Fifelski.

Wayland High School graduate Pete Reno, son of Village President and Mrs. Phillip Reno, returned to Wayland after finishing his service in the Peace Corps in Liberia. He wrote the first of two columns about his experiences.

Former editor-publisher Rollo Mosher, reporting his weekly “Observations Here and There, wrote about some of the local festivals that were held in the parts in bygone days. He made particular mention of Wayland pioneer Nelson Chambers expanding his hotel and livery business at the four corners downtown to include a roller skating rink. It burned to the ground in 1891.

Hopkins schools were scheduled to open Aug. 30 with 770 students. The school this fall would include a mobile self-contained classroom and it was reported the faculty numbers were increased to 31 in elementary and secondary schools.

Local excavating contractor Donald Lapham offered to extend the village water system west on West Superior Street about 495 feet for a cost of $2,300. The Wayland Board of Education agreed to have it done.

The first phase of the first draft for the city charter has been completed by the elected nine-member Charter Commission, according to Chairman J. R. (Russ) Rugaber.

Omer Messer scored a hole-in-one at the par 3, 110-yard hole No. 10 at the Orchard Hills Golf Course.

Sean Connery was starring as Agent 007 James Bond in “Goldfinger” at the Wayland Theatre.

Bids were being advertised in the Globe for painting, repairing and upgrading the “girls’ gym” inside Wayland High School. Bids were supposed to be sent to Milton Fleser.

The Teenettes group was set to perform in person Friday, Aug. 27, at the annual Cowbell Carnival.

75 Years Ago — Aug. 23, 1940

During the severe electric storm early Sunday morning, the barn of Otto Mann was struck and followed wires into the house and damaged their refrigerator somewhat. A large tree in the rear of the home of John E. Ward also was struck.

Everything is all set for four big days of fun when the Cowbell Carnival swings into action here next week Wednesday through Saturday, with four nights of fun and hilarity.

Thursday will be Candidate Night. All political candidates of both parties will be introduced from the bandstand. Musical entertainment will be provided by Ma Fritz and her family, May Wightman, accordian, the Wayland band, and there will be prizes.

Reports from both London and Berlin indicated that long awaited aerial blitzkrieg against the British Isles had been stepped up to the point where as many as 500 Nazi planes were making periodic attacks on shipping ports and airdromes.

England did one thing that will calm many an American heart. She promised categorically to surrender none of her warships to Germany, in case the latter won the war. England indicated she would scuttle them instead. This was fine news all round.

100 Years Ago — Aug. 20, 1915

The Ladies’ Aid Society will have a chicken pie social at the home of Mr. and Mars. Fred VanPatten. Cost of the meal, which includes ice cream for dessert, will be 15 cents per person.

Karl Rasmussen and wife of Howard City stopped into Wayland to renew old acquaintances. He at one time was operator of the GR&I Railroad.

Ben Stankey, three brothers and his father all received minor injuries when Stankey failed to negotiate a corner near the Catholic Church in Dorr Township. The car flipped over and pinned his father underneath.

Joseph D. Fansler, 68, of Hopkins, died at home. He had come to Michigan from Ohio, settling first in Allegan Township and then moved to Hopkins Township in 1872. The funeral was to be held in his home.

The editor noted that one of his toughest challenges is with people who “wait until the last moment of going to press and then rush in with items they want ‘to run this week, sure,’ particularly those they expect to have inserted gratis. People don’t reflect on the fact the paper is made up during the entire week…”

Mrs. H.S. Eggert entertained 24 members of the local Rebekahs organization at her Leighton Township home with “a scrumptious supper.”

J.H. Sargent is having his home built on East Superior just west of the D.A. Stockdale residence.

J.R. and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crofoot attended the 13th annual Old Settlers Picnic at Jamestown.

An ordinance adopted by the Village of Wayland granted Standard Oil a 30-year permit to store “illuminating oils, coal oils, naptha, gasoline, benzene or any other mineral oils or fluis, the products of its business.”

The Jackson Family Reunion welcomed 93 people to the West Gun Lake Maple Lawn Farm, home of Mrs. James Williamson.

The editor crowed that two very good recent examples that it pays to advertise in the Globe were the packed houses for the Silver Family music concert and the motion picture show at Frank’s Opera House.

A huge advertisement in the Globe outlined the prescribed courses for grades nine through twelve at Wayland High School and listed the most prominent athletic activities as baseball, basketball, track and field and tennis.

W. side of S. Main

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