25 Years Ago — Aug. 5, 1996

Animal welfare advocates argue the Allegan County Animal Shelter has needlessly killed dogs and cats during a parvo virus outbreak. Shelter officials claim they are trying to protect the public’s safety.
Dennis Reno, age 53, son of longtime mayor Phill Reno, and longtime insurance business owner and community activist, died suddenly of a heart attack.
Stephen Cohle, Allegan County’s new medical examiner, is getting plenty of praise for his performance thus far.
Dorr Township voters will be asked in the Nov. 5 election to approve a one-mill, 7seven-year tax increase to build, furnish, and equip a new library.
Globe staff writer Pat Staley, wrote in the SoapBox that “those in power must focus on and carry through their promises of a better and more efficient welfare program, and we, the people, must get involve and ensure they do just that.”
Congressman Pete Hoekstra announced he remains neutral on the 88th District state GOP primary contest, despite rumors he is backing Allegan County Treasurer Patty Birkholz.
Subway ran a half page ad thanking customers on its first anniversary at Hillcrest Food and Fuel in Dorr.
Joan Weick of Gun Lake, has been elected president of the General Federation of Women’s Club of Michigan.
Dr. Arthur Larson, 97, died Saturday, July 20. A longtime local dentist, he was a charter member of the Wayland Calvary Church, Sunday School teacher, served on the Wayland Board of Education, once as president, and was a Boy Scout leader. Among his survivors are daughter Dorothy DeWeerd and son Dr Bruce A Larson.
50 Years Ago —Aug. 4, 1971
Wayland City Council adopted an ordinance governing rules for establishing the local sale of liquor by the glass. The rules, at this time, apply to the Wayland Hotel and Robart’s Tavern.
State Rep. James Farnsworth said in Yankee Springs Township the State of Michigan paid $10,350 in real estate taxes, making it the largest payer of local taxes.
Mrs. George Rankens, 75, of Martin died at Pipp Community Hospital. She was a member of the Martin Methodist Church, Bradly-Otsego Eastern Star, and past president of the Allegan County OES.
Mary Lou Wiersma died at St. Mary’s Hospital Friday after an auto accident She was a 1970 graduate of South Christian High School and a student nurse at Pine Rest Christian Hospital. She was driving to work when her car went out of control near Division Avenue and 100th Street and struck a tree.
Pamela Brocker of Wayland and Kathy Dutkiewitz of Dorr both graduated as practical nurses from Grand Rapids Junior College.
Robin Hancock of Dorr escaped serious injury in a farm accident at the Hayes Farm. Mr. Hayes and two passers-by freed Hancock after he was pinned under a tractor.
Barbara J Smith has been appointed postmaster at the Burnips office.
The annual Wayland Globe Tennis Tournament will get under way Monday, Aug. 9, with all matches at the city park in Wayland.
Wayland Babe Ruth All-Stars defeated Otsego 9-0. Pitchers Gib Goodwin and Denny Garrett combined on a two-hit shutout.
Wayland High School sophomore Kathy Worfel reached the semi-finals, losing to the number 1 seed, at the Flint Invitational Tennis Tournament. She and partner Tish Watson of Grand Rapids lost in the finals of the doubles competition.
The Bee Gees took over the No. 1 spot among the nation’s tunes with “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?”
75 Years Ago — Aug. 9, 1946
The Patterson Bros. Dog and Pony Show will bring the first circus of the season to come to Wayland Friday, Aug. 16.
Kim Sigler of Hastings, Republican candidate for Governor, spoke at the Ot-Well-Egan Country Club with about 125 in attendance. Sigler pledged to finish the job of cleaning up the dirty political mess in Michigan. John F. Stockdale, of Wayland was chairman of the county committee.
Wayland Chamber of Commerce will sponsor a V-J dance at the Dixie Pavilion Aug. 14 for World War II veterans from the Wayland Area. Rex Smith and his eleven-piece band will furnish the music.
The Southwest Michigan Parish Jersey Show will be held Friday, Aug. 18. Breeders from Allegan, Ionia, Barry, Ottawa, Kalamazoo, Van Buren, Cass and St. Joseph Counties will exhibit their choice animals.
Leighton defeated Dorr in a playoff for the softball championship for the first half of league play. Dorr and Ford Garage are tied for first place thus far in the second half league standings.
Miss Bette Clack and Donald Amborski spent two weeks at the music camp at Interlochen to join the All-State High School Chorus.
C.E. Wildon, associate professor in floriculture at Michigan State College, will be guest speaker at the Aug. 13 Garden Club meeting in the high school music room.
Wayland Rural Grange, at its Aug. 13 meeting, will answer roll call for ladies “How I felt when my first grandchild was born” and for men “A story of one of my grandchildren.”
F.A. Collidge, in a display ad, was selling Mutual Benefit Hospitalization Insurance touting 100% payment for operating rooms, surgical dressing, hypodermics, anesthetics and routine medicine.
The annual chicken dinner and bazaar for St. Stanislaus Parish will be Sept. 1.
Now showing at the Wayland Theatre:
• Carole Landis, Allyn Joslyn, in “It Shouldn’t Happen to a Dog.”
• Signe Hasso and Preston Foster in “Strange Triangle.”
• Alan Ladd and Geraldine Fitzgerald in “O.S.S.”
• Paulette Goddard, Ray Milland in “Kitty.”
100 Years Ago — Aug. 5, 1921
John Riegle, Commissioner of Schools, spoke highly about consolidated rural schools in a speaking tour in northern Lower Michigan.
The Southeast Wayland Community Club will meet at the home of Clayton Jackson, on Wednesday August 10 to discuss the topic of consolidating schools.
The annual F.D. Travis Company Basket Picnic attracted 2000 people Thursday at Pine Lake. Professor J.A. Hyames of Western State Normal gave a speech on “Boys.”
Ada Ward will deliver an address on “You Americans” during the Redpath Chautauqua, Aug. 13-18. Charles Zueblin will lecture on “Wiser than Solomon.” George Herbert, former conductor of San Carlo and Gallo English opera companies will direct production of “Mikado.” Admission is free.
Harold Fox, of Bradley, is the first ex-soldier in this community to receive the State Bonus Check.
Now showing at the Regent Theater downtown:
• Mary Pickford “Queen of the Screen” in “ Heart O’ the Hills.”
• Harry Houdini, the famous magician, in “the Grim Game.”
• Edith Roberts in “The Fire Cat.”
“The Romance of Tarzan” staring Elmo Lincoln, which was scheduled to be shown at the Regent July 24, but failed to arrive, will be shown instead on Tuesday, Aug. 9.
The rough grading for the cement road is now completed through to Moline and soon cement will be laid through the village to the north corporation line.
Fred Burleson & Son have opened a shoe and harness repair shop at the Burleson Broom Shop on North Main.
Streeter’s Resort will welcome the annual Mesonic picnic Aug.18 and Allegan and Barry Pomona Grange Aug. 12.
“WANTED: Housekeeper in Richmond, Mich., age about 50-58. Cannot pay over $2.50 per week.”