25 Years Ago — Aug. 12, 1996

East Martin Christian High School will debut this fall in a portable classroom.

Members of the Yankee Springs Wings Club will join about 3,000-plus motorcyclists leaving Grand Rapids Aug. 16 for the annual Mackinaw City ride.

Susan M. Frank, formerly of Wayland, wrote a letter to the editor expressing disappointment in the Globe’s lack of coverage of the annual 4-H rodeo.

The continued issue over the use of Elmwood Cemetery has not abated as Wayland City and Wayland Township officials are still quarreling over costs and contributions.

In the Republican party primary, Patty Birkholz won in the race for 88th District State Representative. Fulton Sheen won for county treasurer. And incumbent Leighton Township Supervisor Dar VanderArk received 48 votes for his local job, enough to place him on the November ballot. He lost his bid for State Rep., but will run for supervisor against independent Dick Baxter.

For Wayland Township Supervisor, Randy Marklevitz defeated Nathan Gambee 178 to 108 and will face Democrat Jose Blanco in the November general election.

Wayland Union Schools Technology Department is offering a homework hotline for this academic year.

Construction crews are busy getting the new Wayland Middle School ready for the upcoming academic year.

Martin Village officials have decided to delay until next spring a street renovation project because MDOT bids came in at 28% above the original cost estimate.

The Rev. Edwin L. Carpenter of Grand Rapids is the new pastor at the Harvest Assembly of God in Leighton Township.

Wayland, Hopkins and Martin school districts re preparing for the start of the upcoming school year in the last week of August.

Ray Young, 73, of Hopkins, died Sunday, Aug. 4. He was veteran of World War II, a member of the Wayland VFW post, Grand Rapids Disabled Veterans post, American Legion of Allegan and Knights of Columbus of Hilliards.

50 Years Ago — Aug. 11, 1971

Candidates for the Miss Wayland Contest are Denise Lettinga, DeDe Dewey, Debbie Holbrook, Karen Scheidel, Cindy Dewey, and Cindy Browand.

The Wayland Board of Education has rescinded its decision to contract with Wallace Electric to install new lights at the football field, which would have cost as much as $28,600. The action was taken after receiving a petition with 650 signatures opposing the project.

About 40% of men who retire continue to work at least part time according to the Grand Rapids Bureau of the Social Security Administration.

The Michigan Department of Transportation says 5.8 miles of road will be paved on 18th Street north of Dorr.

Garit Lynema, retired Martin Township farmer, died at age 88 at Borgess Hospital.

Martin Township voters will go to the polls to decide on an extra tax to improve roads. The levy would be 2 mills for 3 years, which will raise about $11,500.

Wayland School Board is considering buying 50 acres belonging to Clyde Smith as a possible new site for the new high school on East Superior.

David Kamyszek, concerned graduate, wrote a letter to the editor agreeing that it is foolish to spend money to replace lights at the football field while academic needs are so great.

Sgt. John E. Graham, a graduate of Wayland High School, has arrived for duty in Viet Nam.

Stewart D. Frank of Wayland was promoted to Army Specialist Five. He is serving as a clerk in Hanau, Germany.

LaValley-Rumery won the Wayland Little League World Series, defeating the Wayland Globe in a best-of-three series.

The Wayland Recreation Dept. has been having summer swim lessons at the Gun Lake State Park with instructor Betty Martin and aides Boyd Heckert, Nita Heckert and Jack Lehocky.

75 Years Ago — Aug. 16, 1946

Allegan County Health Dept. reports no cases of infantile paralysis, thirteen cases of whooping cough, one case of chicken pox but none on the eastern half of the county.

Howard MacGregor, 62, died at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing after an auto accident in which the car he was riding in struck a utility pole after trying to pass a tractor trailer. Passenger Hanna Losey suffered a broken leg in the crash.

Mr. and Mr. Carl Johnson of Gary, Ind., were in Wayland to complete the sale of their 120-acre farm on the county line east of Wayland.

The 34th annual Jackson family reunion was held at Murphy’s Point with about 70 in attendance.

A new air conditioning unit has been installed at Peffley’s Sweet Shop in downtown Wayland.

Hugh DeWeerd is back in the U.S. after serving in the military in Guam.

Erwin Sprague, 9-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sprague of Bradley, was killed when he fell from a tree and broke his neck. His family was picking cherries when the incident occurred.

Now showing at the Wayland Theater:

• Roy Rogers, Gabby Hayes and Dale Evans in “Rainbow over Texas”

• Stephania Bachelor and Michael Browne in “Crime of the Century”

• William Powell and Esther Williams in “The Hoodlum Saint”

• Kathryn Grayson, June Allyson, and Jimmy Durante in “Two Sisters from Boston”

100 Years Ago —  Aug. 12, 1921

Wayland’s second annual Redpath Chautauqua will get under way Saturday, Aug. 13 with eleven educational and entertainment events through Aug. 18.

Wayland High School class of 1916 held its fifth annual class reunion at Green Lake. One attendee said, “everyone was very enthusiastic and full of pep.” Earle Wilde gave the class prophecy and Miss Bernice Gardner presented a short speech. Mrs. Ivan Smith invited the class to meet next year at her home.

The large barn of Abe Clemens of Green Lake was struck by lightening and burned to the ground with all the contents, killing one horse and one cow.

Mrs. C.A. Warner entertained her music class with a weenie roast at Selkirk Lake. A musical program was enjoyed.

Charles Woldinga has purchased the Wayland Dray Line of Glen Jordan, promising “I am prepared to do all kinds of light and heavy Draying at all times,”

Now showing at the Regent Theater Downtown:

• Bryant Washburn in “Why Smith Left Home.”

• William S. Hart in “John Pettycoats.”

• Marshal Neilan’s “Go and Get It” with Freckles Barry.

The Allegan County Fair will be Aug. 30-31, Sept. 1, 2, 3.

Three escaped convicts from Ionia came as far as Moline in a stollen car which caught fire at the Herb Garage.

It is hoped by everyone that the concrete road will be opened as far as the main corners by Saturday so that those who attend the Chautauqua will have a chance to drive over the new road.

“If you want good work done, see Ira Burleson, the shoe doctor. All kinds of shoe repairing done at the right prices, and the best grades of leather used.”

1 Comment

August 12, 2021
Was the picture of the Pet Milk company only 25 years ago? I think it was more than 50 years ago. A favorite childhood activity in the 1940's was early morning rides picking up milk at Wayland area farms to deliver to the processing factory.

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