(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now historical library in downtown Dorr)
25 Years Ago — Nov. 11, 1996
The Globe, in honor of Veterans Day, published a front page photo of State Police Trooper Scott Tenglin kneeling in front of a veterans’ memorial at Mt. Hope Cemetery in Thornapple Township.
A mock disaster exercise put on by students at Wayland High School and local emergency services personnel, was hailed as a success.
Web sites, networks and local phone lines are featured in a variety of Internet services available in this area.
The Hopkins varsity football team completed its second straight unbeaten regular season and is getting ready for the playoffs.
Letter writer Carol Miller asked how good paying jobs can be created in fast-growing communities such as Wayland while at the same time the local school system is privatizing services.
Jim Brenner, a Martin Township trustee, praised the school board for initiating junior high sports wrestling and volleyball over the winter, noting that kids at this difficult age need positive things.
Editor Nila Aamoth suggested the entire nation follow Oregon’s lead in having mail-in voting for elections.
Jan Striegle of Professional Code Inspections (PCI) has been hired by Dorr Township to be zoning enforcement officer.
Jose Blanco has asked for a recount in the election for Wayland Township Supervisor, which lost to Trustee Randy Marklevitz by a 520 to 515 tally.
The Allegan County Board of Commissioners has decided to cut funding for the Allegan County Alliance, sending a message the agency must work on raising money to remain viable.
Wayland junior Jason Moore made all-state and set the school record in the 5K at the state Division 2 meet with a time of 16:10.
Besides posting a fine 7-1-2 dual match record, coach Cheri Ritz’s Wayland girls’ tennis team was accorded all-state academic status for achieving a collective 3.4 grade point average.
The Martin girls’ basketball team clinched at least a share of the Southwest Athletic Conference title and owns an overall record of 16-1.
Wayland all-state guard Angie Farmer has announced she will continue her basketball career at Bowling Green State University. The Wildcats now are 12-6 overall and 11-3 in the O-k Gold Conference.
Scott Sullivan wrote a feature piece about the iconic stone house known as Knobloch Corners at 128th Avenue and 30th Street.
50 Years Ago —Nov. 10, 1971
The Wayland Board of Education and Wayland Education Association have come to an agreement on a new employment contract. Starting salary for first-year teachers will be $7,300 per year. A girls’ athletic coach now will be paid a stipend of $633 and assistant wrestling coach $403. But the biggest change is that the school system will pick up full health care costs coverage.
The Globe published a front page photo of 18 Allegan County Agricultural Stabilization Service members who have a combined record of service of more than 200 years.
Garrell Adler, deputy superintendent of the Kent Intermediate School District, told the Wayland Chamber of Commerce that Allegan County down the road will have a skills center much like the Kent Skills facility on the Beltline in Grand Rapids.
The Wayland City Zoning Board of Appeals granted Dr. Kenneth DeWeerd variance to locate a veterinary clinic on West Superior Street at the building formerly used by C & J Camping Supplies.
State Rep. James Farnsworth will be guest speaker at dedication ceremonies at Henika Public Library Nov. 16 for the City of Wayland’s new wastewater treatment plant.
Hospital Corpsman David L. Johnson of Wayland has been presented with the distinguished Navy Achiement Medal for service in the Vietnam Conflict.
Army Spec.-4 Walter Freund has completed his air cavalry combat leadership course in Vietnam. He is a gunner for an outfit near Ben Hoa.
The musical group The Sunns will be guests at the coffee house Sunday evening from 7:30 to 9:30 at the United Church of Wayland.
Freelance reporter Jon Gambee wrote about the senior play, “I have been able to learn from an informant close to the source that everything is proceeding on schedule and soon these conspirators will be ready to reveal their plot to the public.”
The Hopkins senior class will present “Saved by the Belle” Nov. 18-20, directed by Kathy Bassett and Peggy Miller.
The Wayland varsity football team lost 14-6 to Caledonia. QB Gib Goodwin scored on a one-yard sneak with just a minute left in the ballgame.
Senior Elwyne Powers completed his cross-country career by finishing 17th in the state meet at Eastern Michigan University.
The Hopkins football team remained winless in eight outings after a 14-6 loss to Allendale.
75 Years Ago — Nov. 15, 1946
Dr. Robert A. Kromer, who served in the Navy and in China during World War II, is Wayland’s newest physician with an office in the Larson building on South Main Street, using the suite formerly occupied Dr. Wilbur Dolfin.
Allegan County Circuit Judge Fred T. Miles has announced he will retire after serving Allegan and Ottawa counties for 18 years.
The Village of Wayland has purchased land in Leighton Township, the Calkins property of 32 acres, with the intent of using it for an airport. Purchase price was $3,600. Editor-Publisher Rollo G. Mosher said he supports having an airport, but, “What we do object to is the fact the public was not informed about what was in the wind…”
Mrs. Leona Farnsworth is directing the WHS senior play, “Stranger in the Night.”
The Wayland High School basketball season will get under way with the opener at Delton.
A large barn belonging to Mrs. Stella Haywood in the southeast part of the village was destroyed by fire of undetermined origin.
Ground was broken Tuesday for the new Lutostanski Meat Market on East Superior Street. The new owners hope to open the business next spring.
Mrs. Louise Morgenstern, who had lived on a farm west of Wayland for 48 years, died at her daughter’s home in Kalamazoo. She was 75.
Mrs. Elsie May Gardner, who lived on a farm east of Bradley for 58 years, died of a stroke at the age of 71.

Now showing at the Wayland Theatre:
- Albert Deckers and Evelyn Ankers in “The French Key.”
- Robert Lowery, Helen Gilbert and Sterling Holloway in “Death Valley.”
- Butch Jenkins, James Craig and Dorothy Patrick in “Boys Ranch.”
- Frank Morgan and Elizabeth Taylor in “The Courage of Lassie.”
100 Years Ago — Nov. 11, 1921
Members of the Wayland High School freshman class have made tags showing how the speech of the American people can be improved.
Featured in the school’s weekly Assembly were a piano solo by Hazel Hilton, a violin solo by Hazel Burchardt, accompanied by Audrey Koch, and remarks by Supt. Fred Boughner.
The Eurodelphian division of girls will give a minstrel presentation of “The Belles of Blackville,” with proceeds going to the Victrola Fund.
Longtime Wayland area resident Sarah Manley died at age 74 after suffering a severe concussion from a fall. She was born in 1847 in New York. She was active here with the Relief Corps and Ladies Library Club.
Dale Ranking can tell high school students how to do a book report on Huckleberry Finn, but it costs 30 cents, plus the war tax and two hours.
An obituary was published for Corp. Clyde Gillispie, son of a Moline couple, who died June 26, 1918 of pneumonia in France. His body only recently had been brought back for burial.
The theme of the Armistice Day service at the Methodist Church will be “The Disarmament Conference and World Peace.”
The Village of Wayland published an ordinance to regulate the milk and cream supply and license the transportation and sale with hopes of halting distribution of impure and unhealthy substances.
Fear of an outbreak of scarlet fever shut down Martin schools. “Schools will reopen only when it is certain the disease has no opportunity of spreading.
The first snowstorm of the season arrived with 15 inches of the white stuff, shutting down some meetings and activities.
The arbitration board of the Mutual Insurance Co. has granted John E. Jackson insurance after his house burned down last August.
Otto Herb is making improvements to Moline by putting up a filling station at the corner of his lot.
Now showing at the Regent Theatre: William S. Hart on “The Toll Gate,” Shirley Mason in “Wing Toy” and Gladys Walton in “All Dolled Up.”