(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now Historical Library in downtown Dorr)

25 Years Ago — April 28, 1997
Dorr, Leighton and Salem townships soon will be contracting with deputies from the Allegan County Sheriff’s Department for local police services, made possible through a federal COPS grant.
A request for a variance from owners of the Gun Lake Community Center to permit use of its hall for rental activities has been denied.
The Wayland varsity softball team includes three sophomore and three freshmen, but it has been recording victories on the diamond. Coach Cheri Ritz’s Wildcats have started fast with an 11-1 overall record,
The fund-raising goal to build a Yankee Springs Township fire substation has been met halfway thus far.
Alternative education students in the New Directions program recently spent some quality time with residents of the Laurels of Sandy Creek in a special effort to reacquaint the different generations.
Barb Schaefer of Dorr penned a letter insisting children who are opting out of sex education classes instead are being taught the subject by their parents.
Major League prospect Jim Abbott threw a one-hit shutout shutout at Wayland in a 6-0 Caledonia victory.
The Hopkins track team is on a collision course for
The 55-foot, 50-passenger Gun Lake Princess paddleboat made its debut for cruising and sightseeing on Gun Lake, conducted by Doug and Sharon Vickery.
Five contestants for the Mis Dahlia contest are Stacey Kershaw, Holly Keyzer, Carmen Risk, Danielle Tuinstra and Tracy Winterhalte. The pageant will be on a Sunday, May 4, at the Wayland High School auditorium.
Gary and Robert Hoffmaster of Hopkins are owners of a 13-year-old cow named Mora that was honored with a high lifetime award from the Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA).
Gary Kerber, Sandra Morris and Gloria Meendering were sworn in as new members of the Hopkins Village Council.
The sixth annual Springfest in Wayland will feature a hot air balloon rally.
50 Years Ago — April 26, 1972
Wayland High School graduate Kathie Marks was the winner of the Miami Christian University Walkathon and earned a $100 cash award.
Wayland High School students Robert Grafford, Patricia Slomski, Wayne Thomas and John Linder earned a certificate of merit from the Detroit Free Press for being among the top high school debaters. Their topic was “Resolved: That the jury system in the United States should be changed.”
Katherine Rewa was named valedictorian for the Hopkins High School Class of 1972 and Kathy Wamhoff was selected salutatorian. Both will attend Michigan State University in the fall.
The Wayland Ecology Committee sponsored an Earth Day parade in town and festivities were held in Bradley, Green Lake and Hopkins.
Two open Wayland school board seats will be on the ballot in the June election and proposals for special education county wide and a nearly $800,000 bond for a new pool and auditorium.
The Greater Wayland Jaycees will sponsor a litter pickup April 29 in the community.
The Nutrena Feeds Building, owned by Charles Andringa at the corner of Railroad and West Superior streets, was razed after being located there for at least 90 years.
The Ladies Aid Society of Moline Christian is sponsoring Mattie Faber, 68, as a candidate for Moline Centennial Queen.
WHS graduate Tom Latondress penned a letter insisting the federal government should provide a more fair amount of revenue sharing to farmers and rural communities.
Elwyn Powers recorded firsts in the 880-yard run and in the 440 in a dual meet Wildcat victory over Byron Center. Pat Wilde won the mile, Marty Visser the shot and Rick Arnold both the high and low hurdles.
The Wayland tennis team recorded its 22nd consecutive dual match victory, led by Jim Hendrixson, Paul Heckert, Alan Kupres, L.V. Frank, Rex Andringa and Steve Love. Coach is Spriggs TeRoller.
Hopkins sophomore Louis Stein tossed a complete game victory over Bloomingdale with 10 strikeouts and hurled a three-hitter at Caledonia. Howver, the Vikings fell to Wayland 8-4 and pitcher Mike Damveld.
Hopkins won the Girls Athletic Association volleyball tournament, besting Wayland, Allegan, Fennville, Plainwell and Martin. Ruth Ann Malone is the coach. Wayland won the junior varsity level of the competition.
Maynard Guy, Merle Coffey, Scott Miller, Art Post, Phil Lenhart and Arlyn Coffey represented Hopkins at the annual FFA Camp.
R.J. Steeby Elementary personnel honored retiring Principal Martha Japinga at a restaurant in Grand Rapids and presented her with matched luggage and a yellow rose corsage.
The Rev. Hubert Sprik is scheduled to be installed at the Wayland Christian Reformed Church.
Marcia Chrisman of Wayland was a page at the General United Methodist Church Conference in Atlanta, Ga.
75 Years Ago — May 2, 1947
Editor-Publisher Rollo G. Mosher reports loal farmers are struggling in attempts to sow oats because the weather hasn’t been cooperating.
Naman Frank was chosen president of the Wayland Chamber of Commerce and R. J. Rugaber vice president.
Mosher waxed eloquent about his trip to Bladwin for the annual trout season opener and noted Sam Boulter came up with a 20-inch brown trout.
The Rod and Gun Club’s pancake supper at the Wayland High School cafeteria fed about 100 and guest speaker was Charles Roberts, director of United Conservation Clubs.
A meeting at Wayland High School May will be held to discuss plans for a local softball summer league.
The second installment of the column series “Our Educational Problem,” was published on the front page of the Globe. Columnist is Mrs. George Murphy.
Mrs. Ida haley, 82, formerly of Wayland, died seven weeks after she fell from the davenport in her house and fractured her hip. She was born in Leighton Township in 1865.
John Fifelski, 72, father of Ray and Floyd Fifelski, died at St. Mary’s Hospital after an illness of about three weeks.
James Carpenter, a fifth-grader at Martin Agricultural School, was killed at his family’s farm in Watson Township when the tractor he was driving overturned.
Members of the South Wayland Extension Club are busy crocheting and embroidering for the bazaar planned this fall.
Wayland Village President George Rynois asking residents not to take leaves from gutters onto the streets, expecting removal by village employees.
Margaret Dado Jenkins, correspondent for the weekly “Hi Neighbor” column, wrote a tribute to iconic businessman Henry Ford, who had only recently passed away.
Hopkins is getting ready for its annual cleanup days May 5-10 for hauling away cans and rubbish and local Boy Scouts will have a paper drive.
The Meade-Johnson Building, formerly home of a grocery and dry goods store in Hopkins, was sold to Forrest Hinckle.
The Automobile Club of Michigan has recognized Wayland High School for its safety practices during the 1946-47 academic year.

Now showing at the Wayland Theatre downtown:
• Gene Autry, Sterling Holloway and the Cass County Boays in “Trail to San Antone.”
• Robert Lowery and Pat Morrison in “Queen of the Amazons.”
• Eddie Bracken, Cass Daley and Spike Jones in “Ladies Man.”
• Ingrid Bergman, Robert Montgomery and George Sanders in “Rage in Heaven.”
100 Years Ago — April 28, 1922
The Wayland High School girls’ basketball team beat Hopkins 38-2 and the boys’ baseball squad downed the Blue Devils 3-1.
Annual clean-up days May 1-6, designated by the State Board of Health, ask “towns and villages to do everything in their power to arouse public opinion in the battle against disease and fire. With malaria in a number of different communities and the common acknowledgement that manure piles, outdoor closets cleaned and repaired so as to be fly proof, rubbish, garbage, and sewage not disposed of properly are again the health of any town, according to local Health Officer Dr. Ira Slater.”
Barry County Ag Agent F.W. Bennett will speak at the next meeting of the Hopkins Community Club, “a talk that every farmer in this vicinity ought to hear.”
Willa Rankin was elected president of the local chapter of the Ladies Library Club.
Local groups are pleading for groups to help with aid to orphans as a result of the war in Armenia.
A Moline mail carrier expressed appreciation to customers for a basket of fruit and eggs.
Now showing at the Regent Theatre downtown: J. Warren Kerrigan in “The Coast of Opportunity,” “Mother of Mine” and a matinee for the benefit of the Near East Relief Fund.
The James Fenton Lodge will sponsor an old-time May party dancer at Yeakey’s Hall Friday evening.
A local group seeking to form a Ladies Axiliary for the American Legion has elected temporary officers and an application be is being drawn up.
Frank G. Chamberlain died. He was a lifelong farmer, Granger and master Mason.
Members of the local chapter of the Order of Eastern Star were entertained by a program, “The Wayland Bungler.” Meanwhile, the Grange play, “Aaron Slick from Punkin’ Crick, has been rescheduled to May 4.
Always good to read historical notes. Thank you for posting these tidbits!
So is Coach Dick Roach holding a cigarette in his hand?