(Taken from the archives at the Then & Now Historical Library in downtown Dorr)
25 Years Ago — Nov. 29, 1995

Editor Nila Aamoth, in her “Soapbox” entry t his week, opined, “Newspaper advertising is still ranked among the most effective. And newspapers, designed to be enjoyed in a seated position, are easily carried to whatever haven is your favorite reading. Even computers and the Internet can’t compete with that kind of utility.”
Mary Dandrow wrote a letter to the editor defending area farmers who have to deal with stray and wayward dogs killing their livestock.
Martin Department of Public Works employees Bob Simpson and Klaud Keckler found the water leak in the village, using a line finder.
Robert Reid has reopened the Fuzzy’s video store just north of the Wayland city limits and has transformed it into an adult entertainment business. There are rumors that Leighton Township officials, led by Supervisor Dar VanderArk, intend to find ways to shut him down.
The Martin girls’ basketball team copped the Class D regional championship with a 74-70 victory over Burr Oak. Coach Joe Orr’s Lady Clippers, with an overall record of 23-2, now will move on the quarterfinals to take on perennial powerhouse and nemesis Portland St. Patrick.
Two Otsego men have been arrested and arraigned for breaking into Ralph’s Market in Hopkins and stealing merchandise and groceries.
Linebacker-kicker Jerry Funk and defensive back Tim Kisner have been selected to the all-state football team from Hopkins. The Vikings went 11-1 on the season, losing in the state semifinals to Detroit DePorres.
Wayland High School graduate Mike Westfahl who played football and wrestled for the Wildcats, just completed the 26.2 miles running in the Chicago Marathon in 4:17.29.
The Wayland girls’ basketball season came to an end in the regional finals, where the Lady Wildcats came within a whisker of upsetting West Catholic in a 43-42 loss. Angie Farmer scored 19 points and coach Zack Moushegian’s legions finished with an overall record of 19-5.
50 Years Ago — Nov. 25, 1970
1970 Wayland High School graduate Neil Ellinger became the youngest ever, at age 18, to be named to the Allegan County GOP Executive Board. He steered the passage of a party resolution opposing pay increases for state legislators and Supreme Court judges.
The Hopkins Board of Education has officially applied for bonds to build a new elementary school and add two rooms to Sandhill building.
The combined tax levy for 1970 for city residents will be 27.59 mills, down from 32.35 the year previous. Retirement of the debt levy for Steeby Elementary and a one-mill decrease in the county levy was given as the reason for the reduction.
The Wayland Chamber of Commerce announced its full endorsement of the Wayland Union Schools’ request Dec. 8 in a special election for a $2.8 million bond to build a new high school.
Earning perfect 4.0 grade point averages for the first marking period at Hopkins Public Schools were Ann Fein, Patricia Pawloski, Sarah Reinart, Rita Stankey, Katherine Rewa, Lois Rewa, Debbie Spicer, Joanne Merbs, Brenda Bala and Laura Harnish.
Now showing at the Wayland Theatre, “A Boy Named Charlie Brown.”
Wayland Schools Supt. James Thomas attempted to explain the phrase “mutual acceptance of debt” in connection with Dorr School District No. 8. His remarks were in advance of the approaching Dec. 8 special election.
The Union Thanksgiving Service was to be held at the United Church of Wayland at 7:30 the Wednesday, Nov. 25. Taking part were the Revs. Leo Bennett, William Kobza, George VanderWeitt and James Smith.
Mrs. Carl Fockler of Gun Lake will present her program, “The Boy Who Kept the Sheep” to members of the Ladies Library Club. Music will be provided by the Wayland High School Triple Trio.
A photo accompanying the headline “Fast Buck” told the story of John Eylander, 20, who nailed six-point buck only a half hour after purchasing his hunting license in Wayland.
75 Years Ago — Nov. 30, 1945
Anna Kugland, a native of Germany who came to the U.S. with her parents when she was only 9 years old, died at age 62. She had lived in Wayland for 25 years.
Flight officer Ford Mauchmar has been discharged from the U.S. Army Air Force.
Jan Savitt and His 18-Piece Orchestra will perform Dec. 2 at the Dixie Ballroom just south of Wayland. The ensemble has been broadcast on NBC, CBS and Mutual Radio.
Carl and Jim Bruinsma have purchased the Wayland Livestock Co. from William Fein, Harold Ferris and Dell Zambergen. Carl has just returned from serving in the infantry in the European Theatre during the war.
Cpl. Robert Reidlinger has returned home after serving three years in the Air Force in the European Theatre of World War II.
Edwin Baker, a 1925 Wayland High School graduate, now of Kingsport, Tenn., has been discharged from military service after three years and nine months overseas.
The Pre-Advent Dance will be held Dec. 1 at Sts. Cyril & Methodius Hall, Gun Lake, featuring a nine-piece orchestra.
“MEN WANTED for steady work with pleasant conditions and high starting wages at Plainwell Paper Co.”
“Old-time dancing” with the Melodeers is being offered this Friday night at the Dixie Ballroom.
Now showing at the Wayland Theatre:
- Roy Rogers, the Sons of the Pioneers, Gabby Hayes and Dale Evans in “Sunset in El Dorado.”
- Robert Lowery and June Storey in “Road to Alcatraz.”
- Ruth Hussey, Ann Rutherford and Charles Ruggles in “Bedside Manner.”
- Bette David and Nigel Bruce in “The Corn Is Green.”
100 Years Ago — Nov. 26, 1920
Lewis Juracka, only 3, suffered a leg injury at his home when his 7-year-old brother accidentally shot him. Drs. E.O. Hanlon and J.E. Bryson had to amputate the boy’s leg just above the knee.
About 40 students attended a freshman pary at the home of Eleanor Ryno. Included were games. Music and dinner.
Nine Wayland School students have returned to their classrooms after suffering from the measles.
Avalyn Allen’s team was required to give a Thanksgiving chicken dinner banquet for members of Ethel Williamson’s team after a fund-raising contest. A playlet, “The Courtship of Miles Standish,” was presented.
A special Thanksgiving dinner for members of the Ladies Library Club was held at the home of Irene and Charles Yeakey.
Homer Brown has been spending a lot of time lately in Orangeville organizing the new store with the Travis Co.
Congregational Church members raised $108 in a special service to buy a car for the Rev. Albert Beard.
Republican John C. Ketchum reportedly carried all but one county in the State Senate district he won in the general election.
The remains of former Wayland man Henry Lane, 53, have been brought here from the Soldiers Home in Grand Rapids.
The community choruses of Wayland, Allegan, Otsego and Plainwell will perform next Monday at the Christian Church.
The Northeast Hopkins Community Club has launched a campaign to promote the sales of butter as opposed to the cheaper and less healthy oleomargarine inj an effort to benefit area dairy farmers.