To the editor:

Please take time today to call State Rep. Steven Johnson (517-373-0840). I know from my conversation with him last Friday that he can be swayed on this particular issue since he is aware that 57% of his constituents voted yes on Prop 2 (on the gerrymandering issue).

We cannot allow the lame duck session to cripple what we all worked so hard to accomplish.

Protect Proposal 2 from Lame Duck!

Below is an example script to use when you call:

Hello, my name is [NAME]. Is Rep. [NAME] available?

I am a constituent and am calling to urge Rep. [NAME] to vote NO on Senate Bill 1254.

Senate Bill 1254 is unconstitutional, unnecessary and unethical. The constitutional amendment does not need or even allow involvement from the Legislature, and former AG Mike Cox even issued an opinion in 2005 stating that new laws that alter a self-executing constitutional amendment are unconstitutional — and that’s exactly what SB 1254 is trying to do.

Millions of Michiganders voted to pass Proposal 2 by an overwhelming margin. I hope Rep. [NAME] will join me and the majority of his/her constituents in opposition to this attempt to undermine the voice of Michigan voters with unconstitutional legislation.

Again, I urge Rep. [NAME] to vote NO on Senate Bill 1254 to not only support the will of the voters but to defend our state constitution.

Thank you. Mary Ortiz, Wayland MI

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