ACHTUNG: This is not a “fair and balanced” story. It is an editorial by the editor.

Can State Rep. Mary Whiteford avoid the Curse of the 80th Legislative District? I’m betting on her, but she’s a got a lot of history that’s not on her side.

Ever since the venerable Paul Hillegonds was forced to step down as representative in Lansing from this district in 1996 because of our disastrous term limits law, we in Allegan County have had to put up with his succession of scoundrels and scofflaws. Every one of them has brought some kind of disgrace and dishonor to the office, and it’s our collective fault because we elect ‘em again and again.

This comes to mind with the news Friday that former 80th District State Rep. Fulton Sheen has been ordered by the state Licensing and Regulatory Affairs bureau to cease and desist from selling unregulated securities and may face a fine of $20,000.

Sheen, who had a rather unremarkable career in Lansing between 2003 and 2009, and former Allegan County Treasurer, has plenty of company in the sad saga of 80th District state legislators over the past 20 years.

It started with Patty Birkholz, also former Allegan County Treasurer, who took office in 1997. She was never arrested for anything, but Allegan County Commissioner Beverly Reinking accused Birkholz of having an extra-marital affair with her husband, which indirectly led to his suicide. Birkholz only acknowledged she “dated” Reinking’s husband after they separated. Regardless, the story seemed sordid and unbecoming of a noble public servant.

Furthermore, I hear tell Ms. Birkholz abruptly tossed her son out of her house because he was gay and subsequently virtually disowned him, apparently putting her political career ahead of flesh and blood.

Following in her footsteps as county treasurer and state representative was Sheen, whom I recall showing up at a lot of GOP fund-raisers to play the guitar and sing gospel songs.

Then came Bob Genetski, who was the state rep. from 2009 to 2015. He actually was arrested for driving while impaired after a State of the State address in January 2012 and subsequently was found guilty of a similar charge in a court of law. No matter, he was re-elected handily and served out his six years and now has been selected by voters as county clerk.

Perhaps the most infamous of the quartet of shamed state legislators succeeded Genetski. Cindy Gamrat was not formally charged with a criminal offense, but she suffered the indignity of being expelled from the State Legislature for having an extra-marital affair and using state resources to cover up her indiscretions. Her story with “partner in crime” Todd Courser made it all the way to John Oliver’s TV show “Last Week Tonight” to bring further embarrassment and shame to the 80th District.

So the chief premise here is that the 80th Legislative District, which includes most of Allegan County, including Martin, Watson and Hopkins townships, has a colorful, if not tawdry history. Four less than venerable state legislators in a row, and now Ms. Whiteford has plenty of time to try to stop the streak.

PHOTOS: Patty Birkholz   Fulton Sheen

Bob Genetski   Cindy Gamrat


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