A candidate “Opportunity Tour,” sponsored by the Allegan County Democratic Party, will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, June 2, at the Cherry Pavilion in the Wayland City Park.
Featured candidates will be Mark Ludwig, 43rd State Representative District; Dr. Kimberly Barrington, House District No. 79, and Kair DeGraff, Senate District No. 18, all Democrats.
The County Dems press release said, “We unite to build a better, fairer and brighter future for every American. Here in Allegan County, that means electing Democrats to local, state and federal offices. This is your chance to learn how you can help save our democracy and protect the American dream.”
Did hundreds or perhaps thousands turn out for the gathering of esteemed characters?
Weren’t you the guy standing in the playground with the sign bird’s aren’t real?