Category: Articles

Four candidates seeking 3 seats on Wayland Council

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Voters in the City of Wayland will see more than the local school bond proposal on the ballot Nov. 7. There are four experienced candidates seeking three open seats for two-year terms on the City Council. Three of candidates are incumbents, including Mayor Pro Tem Jennifer Antel and council members...
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Kevin Boyles apparently is new Dorr Township sexton

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Kevin Boyles Kevin Boyles tentatively has been selected as new cemetery sexton for Dorr Township, succeeding Bob Merren, who is retiring. Boyles works with his father in serving in that capacity in Salem Township and is sexton for Jamestown Township in Kent County. He also has done work in Dorr...
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Dorr Township not having easy time finding a new assessor

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Rosemary Anger Patti Sampley The Dorr Township Board is seeking applicants for township assessor, but thus far has received only one resume, that of Rosemary Anger of Hastings. Township Clerk Debbie Sewers told board colleagues Thursday evening that she would like to have set times for interviews for the job,...
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Did Dorr Trustee John Tuinstra violate eavesdropping law?

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John Tuinstra Robert Wagner Dorr Township Trustee John Tuinstra is absorbing criticism from Planning Commission members who maintain he may have violated state “eavesdropping” laws last week. Tuinstra attended the Oct. 17 Plan Commission meeting and a tape recorder was found after the session had ended by Township Treasurer Jim...
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It’s official: Air park approved in Leighton Township

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The air strip issue brought out a lot of citizens yet again, this time with more than three dozen people. The Leighton Township Board Wednesday in a special meeting put its final stamp of approval on a proposed air park near 144th and Kalamazoo Avenues by adopting a resolution and...
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Moline residents still complaining about the trains’ noise

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About a dozen Moline residents pleaded with the Dorr Township Planning Commission to do something about the noise generated by trains at the Green Valley Agricultural site in the neighborhood. The Planning Commission promised to have Township Attorney Clifford Bloom draft a letter to the agribusiness and officials with the...
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City of Wayland buys front loader outright for $167,209

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The Wayland City Council Monday evening approved the outright purchase of a new front loader for $167,209 from the CAT dealer on 76th Street, Grand Rapids. Department of Public Works Director Coleman Lutz said the current front loader is 22 years old and its condition has deteriorated enough to make...
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City Council pores over proposed chicken ordinance

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Interim Wayland City Manager Larry Nielsen sketched together a draft of a proposed ordinance for residents keeping chickens within the city limits. City Council members examined it Monday night and suggested changes. The city is looking into adopting an ordinance permitting citizens to keep chickens, but not roosters, and there...
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Library, Leighton Twp. still disagree on roof replacement

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Despite subcommittee meetings, the Leighton Township Board and Leighton Township Library remain at loggerheads on the issue of who pays for repairs of a nearly 20-year-old roof that may be necessary in the next three years. The library and township hall in Moline came under one roof almost exactly a...
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Homeowners group rep slams Leighton for lack of action

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Lauren Hughes A representative from the Horse Shoe Estates Homeowners Association abruptly left the Leighton Township Board meeting Thursday night, unhappy with the lack of action on a request for a special assessment agreement to pave three private roads in the subdivision. Lauren Hughes of association accused the board members...
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