Category: Articles

Dorr Twp. temp office business site plan, special use OK’d

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The Dorr Township Planning Commission Tuesday night approved the site plan and special use permit for McDonald Modular Solutions to operate a temporary office business at the corner of 14th Street and 142nd Avenue Final approval for rezoning the 10.16-acre parcel east of the downtown just north of Bysterveld Park...
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City to decide 2017-18 FY budget at special meeting June 26

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The Wayland City Council Monday night decided to table action on the proposed fiscal year 2017-18 budget until Monday morning, June 26. The delay was caused essentially by council members saying they hadn't had enough time to review it. Councilwoman Jennifer Antel said, "I haven't had a chance to look...
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Dems had majority in Dorr Twp. less than a decade ago

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Once upon a time, Dorr Township was an island of Democrats in a sea of Republicans in Allegan County. Those days are gone. To be sure, there have been pockets of resistance in outlying areas such as Watson Township and Casco Township and the City of Allegan, but the county-wide...
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Martin Twp. adopts $800,000 budget for fiscal year 2017-18

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The Martin Township Board Wednesday night adopted a budget of more than $800,000 after holding a truth in taxation hearing. The board chose to levy the maximum amount of 0.8625 mill for operations, four mills for roads and 0.996 mill for fire services. because of the action, the township picked...
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City Plan Commission tables decision on PERC zoning

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The Wayland City Planning Commission Tuesday evening after a public hearing tabled a proposal to eliminate Planned Enterprise Residential Cluster (PERC) zoning designation. Only four of the seven commissioners were present to take comments from several people interested in the issue. Planner Kirk Scharphorn Jr. of Professional Code Inspections earlier...
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Julie Phillips wins annual Katheryn Brenner teaching award

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Julie Phillips, seventh grade teacher at Wayland Middle School, was chosen as the 2017 Katheryn Lorraine Brenner Award recipient for the 2016-17 academic year. She was presented with the honor Tuesday at the Wayland Union Schools' staff end of the year celebration on the last day of school with an...
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Wayland Union schools nearing 12% fund balance goal

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The Wayland Union school district budget continues to improve every year and projections for next year are optimistic. Finance Director Patricia Velie told the school board the fund balance for fiscal year 2017-18, which begins July 1, projects a $624,000 surplus in revenue over expenditures, which would bring the fund...
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‘No millage increase’ bond proposal to face voters Nov. 7

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The Wayland Board of Education Monday night agreed to ask voters to approve projects for infrastructure improvements at all five school buildings, for building an addition to the middle school to house grades 6-8 and to build 12 new tennis courts to replace the non-functioning facilities at the middle and...
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Leighton refuses to rejoin Michigan Townships Association

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Leighton Township has not been a member of the Michigan Townships Association for the past two years, and its absence will continue for at least one more. The Township Board Thursday night voted unanimously to reject the MTA's offer to bring them back into the fold at a cost $3,905.61,...
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Green Lake One Stop asks to sell alcohol Sunday mornings

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Rod Brush, owner of the Green Lake One Stop convenience store, asked the Leighton Township Board for approval to sell beer and wine from 8 a.m. to noon Sundays. Brush and township officials had discussions several years ago when Blue Laws were more strict locally. The board at that time...
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