Category: Articles

Probe claims Reps. Gamrat, Courser misused public resources

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A Michigan House Business Office investigation claims that State Reps. Cindy Gamrat and Todd Courser Michigan state Reps. Todd Courser and Cindy Gamrat, "misused taxpayer resources" in an alleged attempted coverup of their extra-marital affair. House Business Office Director Tim Bowling today released preliminary results of the probe ordered by...
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Martin Township fire destroys home, but all in family safe

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Fire Wednesday morning destroyed a two and a half story Martin Township farmhouse, but actions by two boys made sure one was badly injured. The occupants, the fourth generation of a family living at the house and property, managed to escape because of the boys' actions. Arnie Davidsons, father of...
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Bob Wagner runs Plan Commission chairmanship streak to 41 years

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                  The Dorr Township Planning Commission re-elected officers at its meeting Tuesday night. Bob Wagner, who has been a member of the Planning since 1968 and its chairman since 1975, was re-elected chairman. Also re-elected were Vice Chairman Robert Traxler and Secretary...
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Gun Lake Tribe withholds state payment in lottery dispute

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The Gun Lake Band of Potawatomis’ recent dispute with state over on-line lottery sales could result in staff layoffs in the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Steve Arwood, chief executive officer of the MEDC, said Monday the dispute resulted in the Gun Lake Tribe not making a scheduled June 1 payment,...
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Mary Whiteford to seek embattled State Rep. Gamrat’s seat

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Mary Whiteford has announced she will be a candidate in next August's Republican primary for state representative in the 80th District. Whiteford, a resident of Casco Township, was one of four candidates in the August primary in 2014, a race won by plurality by State Rep. Cindy Gamrat. However, Gamrat...
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Negotiations on possibility of area fire district continue

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The City of Wayland, Wayland Township and Yankee Springs Township held preliminary talks Thursday evening on the possibility of creating a fire district to include all three municipalities. Yankee Springs Township and Supervisor Mark Englerth, whose daughters attend Wayland schools, have indicated an interest in discussing the idea and the...
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Wayland City Council decides against soliciting ordinance

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The Wayland City Council Monday evening grappled with the possibility of adopting a solicitors' license ordinance, but then decided against it. The Planning Commission earlier had discussed the idea and asked planning consultant Janis Johnson to present a sample ordinance. Councilwoman Jennifer Antel, herself a coordinator for Pampered Chef in-house...
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Foreclosed W. Superior house sold by city to Byron Center couple

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The old dilapidated house at 430 W. Superior St. finally was sold Monday night to a Byron Center couple who plan to fix it up and make it attractive and livable again. The Wayland City Council agreed to sell the house and property to Max and Robin Michell for $7,500...
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Public hearing on Martin Twp. marijuana ordinance is Sept. 1

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The Martin Township Planning Commission will have a public hearing at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 1, on a proposed medical marijuana ordinance amendment. The hearing will take place at the township offices at 998 Templeton, Martin. The subject will be proposed amendments to the Martin Township Zoning Ordinance (Ordinance No....
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Leighton Twp. approves creation of Lake Residential District

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The Leighton Township Board Thursday evening adopted a resolution to allow creation of a Lake Residential District around Green Lake. Approval came just 24 hours after the Township Planning Commission gave its blessing in a public hearing at the Leighton Township Library. Planner Mark Sisson explained that most of the...
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