Category: Articles

Leighton Township buys 4.6-acre adjacent parcel

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Travis Masselink The Leighton Township Board Thursday night decided to buy a 4.6-acre parcel of land adjacent to the township hall for $335,000. Board members unanimously agreed to the purchase of land at 4444 S. Division, next door to the township hall and library complex located on 12th Street in...
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County administrator explains proposed office moves to Dumont Lake

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Rob Sarro After the Martin Township Board last month adopted a resolution opposing the proposed relocation of the offices of treasurer, drain commissioner and register of deeds, Allegan County Administrator Rob Sarro paid a visit at Wednesday night’s meeting. Sarro was present to try to explain the plans to moves...
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Allegan County yet again has GOP election stampede

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Rachelle Smit EDITOR'S NOTE: Early returns showed Michael B. Warren winning a seat on the Wayland Board of Education, but later data revealed Peter Zondervan was re-elected by about 70 votes. Allegan County, as expected, went heavily for Republican Party candidates in Tuesday’s midterm general elections, but results were different...
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Ex-Chief Garnsey has indeed been under probe

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Mark Garnsey Former Wayland Police Chief Mark Garnsey indeed has been under investigation for the past eight months, according documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Garnsey, who was hired as chief four years ago, resigned Aug. 24 and Mark Rookus now is interim chief while a search for...
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Monday’s meeting likely was Mayor Tim Bala’s last

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Wayland Mayor Tim Bala very likely presided over a City Council meeting for the last time Monday evening. Bala, was was first elected to the position in 2008 and re-elected six times after that, is retiring at the end of his seventh term later this month. City Manager Josh Eggleston...
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Watson dump cleanup to be done under Brownfield Redevelopment program

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Watson Township got some welcome news Thursday night from consultant Jay Eveland that plans for cleanup of the old dump site near 12th Street will be under the umbrella of Allegan County’s Brownfield Redevelopment program. The township originally was making plans to apply for a loan from the state Department...
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Hopkins firefighters rescue fallen hunter very quickly

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Trevor Beilby of the Hopkins Area Fire Department Thursday night told a stunning story about the rescue of a hunter in Watson Township Oct. 15. Beilby told Watson Township Board members firefighters were able to located a hunter who has fallen from a deer blind in a secluded area in...
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ZBA OKs parking variance for new 4 One 2 distillery

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It apparently pays to be good local citizens, highly-regarded business and community activists. Supported by everyone present, 4 One 2 Distillery and Stop, Drop & Play co-owners Anthony Winters and Nissa Smith Tuesday night won a big “yes” to their request for a parking variance to accommodate the business they...
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Dorr Twp. Board approves PUD for Freedom Ranch

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The Dorr Township Board Thursday evening accepted the recommendation of the Planning Commission to approved request for a planned unit development (PUD) for the Freedom Ranch on Hillcrest Drive. There was some opposition expressed during deliberations, suggestions that the Freedom Ranch project opens up a dead end street and will...
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Dorr Twp. has spent a half million in ARPA dollars

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The most recent addition to South Park off 142nd Avenue has been a dog park. The Dorr Township Board Thursday night finally made some headway on spending federal money granted by the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. Dorr received about $829,000 in ARPA money over the past two years...
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