Category: Articles

City Council hears about busy years for police, ambulance

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Chief Mark Garnsey The Wayland City Council Monday night was treated to a "year in review" for Wayland Area Ambulance Services (WAEMS) and the local police department. Councilman Joe Kramer, himself an emergency medical technician, told his colleagues that the WAEMS broke record in number of calls for 2019, with...
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Watson trucking business plans to open on M-222

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Jay Roberts Eveland A new trucking business is reported to be coming to Watson Township. Supervisor Kevin Travis told Township Board colleagues Thursday night that a Holland man has purchased a 17-acre parcel next to the Park and Ride lot on M-222 near 12th Street. He intends to establish the...
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City’s marijuana public forum draws only 3 from public

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City Manager Josh Eggleston (center) shows slide information while Mayor Tim Bala (left) and Councilman Joe Kramer watch. Suppose they gave a public forum and only three people came. That’s exactly what happened Tuesday night in the Wayland City Council’s first public forum on the question of permitting the growing,...
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Leighton Township growth pegged at 40% in ’20 census

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The Wayland High School Eco Club's thrift store is trying to call attention to textile waste. Indications of residential and population growth continue to pour in for Leighton Township. Township Supervisor Steve Deer and Fire Chief Matt Weston Thursday night reported yet more evidence Leighton still is growing leaps and...
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Gun Lake Tribe purchasing parcel in Watson Township

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The Gun Lake Tribe of Potowatomis has purchased a 20-acre parcel of land in Watson Township from owner Richard Funk. The site is on the southwest corner of the intersection of 124th Avenue and 20th Street, just south of the line with Hopkins Township. The Jijak Foundation camp is just...
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Dorr library millage vote will be in March after all

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Dorr Township Library Director Elyshia Hoekstra The Dorr Township Library Board has decided to reconsider the date of its millage request, opting for the March Michigan presidential primary instead of the August primary. The Library Board last month voted to place an 0.6-mill increase proposal on the August 2020 election...
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Kristin Engel sworn in as interim Wayland City Clerk

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Kristin Engel Kristin Engel was sworn in by Mayor Tim Bala Monday evening at City Hall as new interim city clerk. Engel, who was working in City Hall as a utilities billing clerk, succeeds Michelle Herman, who will retire later this month after serving as city clerk for nearly a...
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WHS athletic complex may include artificial turf in 2021

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Prospects look good for artificial turf at the Wayland High School football stadium and softball, baseball and soccer fields. Patricia Velie, director of buildings and grounds and finance director for the school district, outlined projects and costs for the next two academic years, 2019-20 and 1920-21, which includes spending nearly...
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Dorr Township Library millage request will be in August 2020

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Dorr Township Library Board President Rachel Vote The Dorr Township Library Board has decided to place a tax increase request for .06 mill on the August 2020 primary election ballot. Library Board President Rachel Vote confirmed the decision this week. Library Board Secretary Sara Rydeman asked the Dorr Township Board...
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2020 Dorr Township road project plans outlined for board

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Jim Martin Dorr Township road projects for 2020 were outlined to the Township Board by Treasurer Jim Martin, who noted the five will cost a total of $870,000. The plans include: Paving 22nd Street between 142nd Avenue and 146th Avenue, at a cost of an estimated $450,000. Repaving 24th Street...
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