Prospects are looking good for street work to be done in Wayland on South Main Street from Maple south to the end of Locust. City Manager Joshua Eggleston told the…
The Dorr Township Board Thursday night decided to take a "wait and see" attitude on the issue of allowing local marijuana dispensaries, but it was clear officials are opposed to…
A proposed resolution to sign a contract with the Dorr-Leighton Wastewater Authority rekindled old issues from almost a decade ago for the Dorr Township Board Thursday evening. The board voted…
The Match-E-Be-Nash-She-Wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians (Gun Lake Tribe) maintains the tribe, Gun Lake Casino and Gun Lake Investments have added $1.5 billion into Michigan's economy over the past seven…
A huge new warehouse is expected to begin construction at the northwest corner of 12th Street and 142nd Avenue after site plan approval for the building project was approved Tuesday…
The Wayland City Council has agreed to change the way the student representative is selected every year to represent Wayland High School. Because a student representative still hasn't been chosen…
It was almost three years ago that the Martin Township Board voted unanimously to adopt an ordinance forbidding marijuana to be exchanged in downtown Shelbyville. It was virtually deja vu…
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. So it was Tuesday night for Mark and Marty Shepherd, co-owners of the proposed Lumberyard Events Center at the corner of…
Representatives from the Hopkins Township Board and Gun Lake Tribe of Potowatomis are engaged in negotiations to reach an agreement for tribal land held in trust by the federal government.…
Major expenses for a bridge on 140th Avenue and road repairs promise to be big expenses for the Leighton Township Board to handle this year and next. Board members Thursday…