Category: Columns

Army Bob: Mexico wants Biden and the status quo

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by Robert M. Traxler El Presidente of Mexico has come out on the side of President Biden and is degrading Governor Ron DeSantis; indeed, the Mexican President has also come out against all Republicans, no need to wonder why. The Mexican economy is solidly in bed with the narco traffickers...
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Dry ingredients for corn muffin mix easy as pie

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by Kathy Hamman Miller Easy enough to make up the dry ingredients ahead of time so you’ll be ready for the baking, or, for an on the spot put together. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. This will make six large corn muffins, more when adding optional ingredients. Triple the recipe...
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Yes It’s True: We worship athletics, not academics

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"Connect the dots. Pay attention. Follow the money." — Me It was some years ago that I wrote a column advocating later school starting times for teen-agers who attend high school and middle school. Though many education experts agree it’s a good idea and it might result in improved education,...
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Army Bob: Environmental folks manipulating guilt

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by Robert M. Traxler Are humans a virus in the blood stream of Mother Earth? Our “special envoy for climate” Senator John Forbes Kerry stated, "Agriculture contributes about 33% of all the emissions of the world depending a little bit on how you count it, but it’s anywhere from 26%...
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Yes It’s True: Chip Mundy a rarity in sports journalism

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Chip Mundy Chip Mundy, my old sports editor at the now-defunct Albion Evening Recorder, died in a traffic crash Monday near Jackson. He was 67. I hired Chip in 1983 even though he didn’t have a college degree, and that fact kept him from being hired the year before. He...
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Try pineapple upside down pancakes for family fun

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by Kathy Hamman Miller Pancakes will never be the same! Here’s a recipe that’s never too late in the day to serve up, for a memorable family fun get together. You can use your favorite box mix or family pancake recipe for this also. You just don’t want the batter...
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Army Bob: The United States is not a ‘democracy’

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by Robert M. Traxler A good friend and mentor who goes by the pen name of Ranger Rick sent me this little-known fact concerning our Constitution.  “There is not one reference to the word "democracy" anywhere in our founding documents, only "republic".  Democracy is mob rule. The government of the United...
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Only 4 ingredients needed for simple peach cobbler

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by Kathy Hamman Miller This simple peach cobbler recipe is made with only four ingredients. It’s a dessert that takes little time to put together, and the ingredients are easily kept waiting on your pantry shelves for when you’re ready to make it. Feel free to change up the variety...
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Yes it’s True: Dems and GOP did a switcheroo on race

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EDITOR’S NOTE: I published this column seven years ago. I still rings true. I thought I’d share it again. My academic career long ago was a mixed bag because I received terrific grades in the social sciences, but mediocre ones in the natural sciences and other disciplines. But I shined...
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Army Bob: Free speech is ground zero in Constitution

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by Robert M. Traxler Discrimination in college admissions based on race, openly discriminating against Asian folks, has had a setback, thanks to a United States Supreme Court. It can still be done, but it has to be disguised as "life experiences" and not racial or ethnic identity. Discriminating against a...
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