by Robert M. Traxler Health care is a topic that is front and center in the media today. The American health care industry is overall the best in world, hands…
If I was a Jihad Johnny, I would be smiling now after two federal judges overruled President Trump’s immigration order. The order excluded some Middle East country immigrants from entering…
(The seventh in a series of columns about one man's battle against prostate cancer) by Robert M. Traxler Three months have passed since a simple blood test waved the red…
It’s hard to separate real news from fake news these days, but I can’t resist some scuttlebutt I came across in recent times. The Daily Caller two months ago reported,…
Now I’m not one to go around spreading rumors, I’m just not the gossipy kind, You’ll never hear me repeating gossip, So you’d better listen close, the first time. —…
Words have meaning, titles and labels have meaning. American English as opposed to the king’s English or the British version of English, has words that are as vile as it…
One of the first attempts by the government to reduce cigarette smoking amongst the populace occurred about 40 years ago with a couple of laws, one laughably ineffective and the…
The recent uproar over what warrant the FISA court allowed to tap phones or data lines in the Donald Trump organization during the presidential campaign is a joke. When asked…
by Barry Hastings Never believe a man who's always telling you to "Believe me." The Sunday morning news/talk shows on all the major (believable) networks were 85 percent Trump and…