Just the other day, I played the progressive rock group The Nice’s version of “Rondo a la Turk,” a variation from the Piano Sonata No. 15 by Mozart and the…
To The Loyal Readers of TownBroadcast: What a remarkable bird is the pelican, Its beak can hold more than its belly can, It can eat for a week, From the…
by Barry Hastings (Writer's Note: About half of this story is taken from a story I wrote for the Nantucket Map & Legend in early summer, 1988; the remainder comes…
President Donald Trump is being called a populist by a mostly single-minded media. Now a reasonable and prudent person would ask, what is wrong with being a populist? A definition…
For the past 30 years, Republicans have been playing defense. Every time there was a complaint about what a party representative or senator did or said, out would come the…
"No one is such a liar as the indignant Man" — (Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil) by Barry Hastings I see and hear many folks beating around the bush, like…
“Some days are diamonds, Some days are stones.” — Dick Feller (covered by John Denver) While reading a recent TownBroadcast, I enjoyed the column “Yes It Is, It’s True: A Couple of…
"Trumpocalypse:’ is a term that has been coined by those on the left who are becoming “preppers,” people who prepare for a worst-case scenario, which they believe will come because…