Category: Columns

Basura: Trump’s comments offensive to all human beings

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"You don't have to be a husband or a father to hear what we heard just a few days ago and say, 'that's not right.' You just have to be a decent human being to say that's not right." — President Barack Obama I’ve been going into male locker rooms...
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Barry Hastings: I wasn’t surprised at all by Trump’s ‘slip-up’

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by Barry Hastings Friday was quite a day, what with the release of a 10- to 12-year-old recording of Trump, talking "women" with Billy Bush, in which he is clearly heard telling Bush, "If you're a 'star' you can do anything," he claimed, adding in a slightly hushed voice, "...
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Ranger Rick: The VP debate was ‘alpha dog’ vs. ‘little dog’

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Viewing the vice presidential debate, Senator Tim Kaine’s performance could be illustrated as “little dog” syndrome – that barking, squealing, little dust mop of a dog nipping at your heels. In contrast, Governor Mike Pence was the “alpha dog,” putting up with the barking, excitable little dog, but getting his...
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Monday Moanin’: Right to literacy vs. privatizing pubic schools

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Michigan advocates seek explicit right to education Lawyers fighting a lawsuit on behalf of Detroit schoolchildren hope to persuade the federal courts to recognize a constitutional right to literacy. But some Michigan education advocates are ready to pursue a more direct route: Amend the state constitution to establish education as a fundamental right...
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Barry Hastings: Vice president debate not worth a pence

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By Barry Hastings So, the silver-haired coyote (not to call him a skulking scavenger), Mike Pence certainly belongs on the ticket he's part of. I didn't hear him make a single truthful statement in an hour-and-a-half Tuesday evening in the vice presidential debate. Nor did I hear him answer a...
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Democracy Tree: We don’t have the right to not be offended

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Freedom of speech is front and center again on American campuses as the Department of Education continues to abuse its authority over university policies. Dirty jokes are now banned, as are expressing suicidal thoughts. The flawed notion that “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings” are healthful, wise,...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: America getting ‘bright-sided’ too often

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“I’m sitting here in Iraq. And I wish my head had eyeballs in the back. It’s a bummer that my Hummer isn’t armored to a T To show us your support you spent a dollar ninety-three… a dollar ninety-three. Oh, stick magnetic ribbons on your SUV, show your apathy, and...
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Army Bob: History tells us the 3rd jihad movement has begun

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One of the things our political class and media class have been very good at is focusing on small terrorist groups: Al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIL, Dash, PLO, Al- Shabaab, this or that “front.” The reason they do that is to be politically correct. The common thread found in terrorism is...
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Basura: So I’m a chump for paying taxes; Trump’s a genius

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“Paying Taxes is a form of Patriotism” — anonymous One chump, one genius Both Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie said this week that Donald Trump is a genius for not paying taxes – if that’s accurate. We don’t know, because Donald, in an uncustomary departure from standard operating procedure for...
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Ranger Rick: Clinton and status quo vs. Trump and change

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Near the conclusion of the presidential race, let’s look closely at the candidates: Mrs. Clinton: Has repeatedly been a defender of her husband over the years from accusations of affairs and instigated attacks on other women. William Jefferson Blythe Clinton was impeached, was found a liar and admitted his affair...
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