Category: Columns

Monday Moanin’: Failing children, failing schools, failing values

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TEACHING CHILDREN TO FAIL "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work."– Thomas A. Edison How do we measure ‘good parenting?’ What yardstick do we use to say, ‘that’s a really good parent!’ The number of trophies they bring home? The A’s on their report cards? 350...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: We’re in danger of losing history, heritage

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“Those who do not learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” — Georges Santayana “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.” — Aldous Huxley History? What do I care about history? I AM history!”...
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Army Bob: Guest worker program best serves supply and demand

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by Robert M. Traxler Is mass immigration a good thing? Is it shortsighted to not have a guest worker program? Are we playing politics with our long-term future? All difficult questions, but questions we all need to ask to properly plan our long-term national direction. They are also questions that...
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Democracy Tree: So Meijer has state legislators in the bag

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Members of a Michigan-based political action committee thinks they have it in the bag with their timely $20K contribution to state lawmakers. It was recently disclosed that Meijer Inc. PAC greased the palms of Republican Senators on the same day the Commerce Committee was about to...
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Ranger Rick: We must ensure legal, not illegal, immigration

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I notice everyone is excited about Donald Trump’s proclamations Mexico will pay for the wall to be erected on the southern border. Many assert that will never happen, as did Mexico’s president. All the screeching aside either for or against the wall, the point is we give Mexico at least...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: More evidence the game is rigged and…

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Ladies and gentlemen, once again: George Carlin — “The game is rigged… but nobody seems to notice, nobody seems to care.” And because nobody seems to care, the game will remain rigged. I’ve accused our election system of being biased in favor of incumbents for a long time, but this...
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Monday Moanin’: We must review what we value in schools

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(From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning) By Jeff Salisbury First, a comment. This op-ed focuses on my brother’s adopted home state of New Mexico, but it could just as easily be about Michigan. Priorities are priorities and values are values. It is true as the...
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Barry Hastings: U.S. still plays the bully in relations with Mexico

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by Barry Hastings Here we are, about a year into this election cycle, and, but for "building a wall" along our southern border, and rounding up for deportation 11 million Hispanics here illegally, no one has any idea of what Trump would do if elected. He claims he'll build a...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: What happened to ‘Move Your Money?’

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After the collapse of banks too big to fail and the horror of the Great Recession of 2008, my general opinion of banks plummeted. I noticed a couple of things, one disturbing, the other fascinating as a result. The disturbing one appeared on a January 2009 TV program of Bill...
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Army Bob: It is Mrs. Clinton who represents rich and powerful

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Do we actually want to get the money out of politics? A figure batted around is that Secretary Hillary Clinton will spend directly and indirectly in excess of two billion dollars on her campaign. Mr. Trump a whole lot less; Mrs. Clinton has a campaign staff ten times the size...
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