Category: Columns

Ranger Rick: New World Order is squashed for now

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The British exit from the European Union is an example of the same thing that happened before the U.S. Civil War. The British were sick and tired of supporting a union that had jurisdiction over them instead of being a sovereign nation; it was costing the British more fiscally and...
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Monday Moanin’: Results of removing standardized tests

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(From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning) By Jeff Salisbury Results of Removing Standardized Test Scores from College Admissions | “If we reduce education to the outcomes of a test, the only incentive for schools and students to innovate is in the form of improving...
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Democracy Tree: Michigan after 5 Years of GOP tyranny

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by Amy Kerr Hardin A Calculated Attack in Progress “It was obvious that House Republicans brought this bill up this week to undermine the petitions that are being gathered across the State of Michigan on a number of initiatives. They’re undermining the rights of those citizens.” — Michigan House Democratic...
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Army Bob: Same old political mantra occurs every 4 years

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by Robert M. Traxler Every four years we revisit the same trite statements: • The United States is the most divided we have ever been. • The American economy is horrible. • The rich are getting richer the poor are getting poorer. • Our infrastructure is falling apart. • Racism...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Barber Joe Booker practiced Darwinism

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EDITOR'S NOTE: Much of this is reprinted from my column of Dec. 18, 2014 I was sad to learn of the death this week of Joe Booker, a very popular Wayland barber for many years. Booker, from Muskegon, bought the Brinkert hair cutting business right next to the old Wayland...
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Basura: An ex-Marine’s take on the gun control issue

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Do I need to rethink my ideas about gun control? After the murders of 26 first-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School, I was angry. A legally purchased semi-automatic rifle, with high capacity magazines, was employed to massacre the children. I wondered if the idea of having an M-16 clone rifle...
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Ranger Rick: Muslim extremism – The carnage continues!

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With the horror in Orlando with a radical Islamist killing and wounding people in a gay nightclub, the President has done everything to take the responsibility off the sick person perpetrating such a despicable thing on others and not mentioning it is radical Islamic terrorism. The issue is not firearms,...
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Monday Moanin’: Virtual kindergarten for fun and profit

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From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning By Jeff Salisbury Pearson's Cyber-Kindergarten sales pitch Education blogger Peter Greene writes, “So I stumbled across the Connections Academy blog Virtual Learning Connections (a friendly resource supporting K-12 school from home). In particular, I stumbled across this post-- "5...
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The Muck Starts Here: Where are the ‘good guys’ with guns?

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by Barry Hastings Who, and where, are all the National Rifle Association's good guys? You know who I mean, the ones who have claimed (for years) they would step to the plate, should they be present when a shooting occurs. Problem is, the three million of their base members (those...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Working stiffs deserve entitlements

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Common political discourse these days too often includes erroneous commentary about “entitlements,” by confusing them with “privileges.” Entitlements wrongfully are thought of as perks unearned by lazy and shiftless people living off the public dole. They’ve been getting an unfair bad rap lately from certain free market advocates of a...
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