by Amy Kerr Hardin “The highest court in the land has affirmed that each of us deserves compassion, respect, and dignity in making health decisions. Now it’s time to work…
“You gotta know when to hold ‘em and know when to fold ‘em. . ." — Sung by Kenny Rogers, "The Gambler" Donald Trump has been publicly disrespectful of the…
The Mrs. Clinton lovefest is over, time to get back to reality. Being someone whom never liked the Clintons (I never support Marxists, statists or socialists), I have a natural…
When the value of high school is exaggerated By EMILY DERUY, JUL 26, 2016 It turns out that students who take AP classes don’t actually get better college grades. As more students…
by Barry Hastings Results of our (ever-so-slowly-ending) business in Afghanistan, and badly-ended fool's errand in Iraq, are not going to be pretty — not even cosmetically tolerable. We took action…
I just got back from my annual physical with the VA. I go the Wyoming Health Care Center, in Wyoming, Mich., a suburb of Grand Rapids. It happens to be…
"If it bleeds it leads." A pattern is emerging after terrorist attacks in the United States and indeed worldwide. The media covers the attack and is enthralled with the attack…
It must be hard to be a committed Democrat Party supporter nowadays, having a president who hates his own country. Then there’s the presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, an ineffective and…
by Jeff Salisbury Supreme Court lacks jurisdiction to issue advisory opinion on aid to private schools (Fix the mitten blog) After signing the bill, Snyder asked the Michigan Supreme Court to…
by Barry Hastings It's all well and good the President has killed some 3100 ISIL, al-Quaeda, Boko Haram, and other terrorist leaders by hounding them from above with manned aircraft…