Category: Columns

Monday Moanin’: Education needs investment, support

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BOULDER, CO (June 2, 2016) – The father of the common school movement, Horace Mann, proclaimed universal education to be the bedrock of democracy. Education is the “great equalizer of the conditions of men” and the “balance wheel of social machinery,” he said, and it deserves significant public investment. Mann...
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Yes It is, It’s True: Muhammad Ali wasn’t always so beloved

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“And it ain’t braggin’ if it’s true. Muhammad Ali said that. Back when he was a young man. Back when he was Cassius Clay. Before he had too many fights, and left his brain inside the ring.” — Dan Bern Muhammad Ali said a lot of things during his colorful,...
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Barry Hastings: June 6, 1944: The day the world stood still

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by Barry Hastings (Normandy, June 6, 1944, 9:30 p.m., double-daylight savings time.) At six-thirty p.m., two squadrons of U.S. Army Air Force P-51 fighter planes, the 334 and 335 , of the 4 Fighter Group, were airborne, and forming up for their third flight of the day over Normandy. They...
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Army Bob: Bill Clinton’s peccadillos are helping Trump

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by Robert M. Traxler Mr. Donald Trump thanks his lucky stars that former President William J. B. Clinton exists. The 12-round heavyweight fight with Senator Hillary R. Clinton will be tough and bloody. Trump has a good bit of baggage; some nasty divorces in his past could be a large...
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Democracy Tree: Smaller schools still getting screwed

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by Amy Kerr Hardin “Three years ago, the state of Michigan made the decision to dissolve Inkster Public Schools against the will of the people,… it is past time for the state to step up and remove the burden of debt from the residents of Inkster. There has been enough...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Bad music plagues all generations

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As I prepare the music for my upcoming role in the 50-year reunion of the Class of 1966, I confess to being a lot like everybody else. I often think the music I grew up with was far superior to the drivel of today. I mean we Baby Boomers had...
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Ranger Rick: Global warming is not ‘settled science’

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I love to read Victor Hanson, as he has insightful observations, and he is cogent and precise in his writings and books. He writes a column, which you can follow ( and enjoy his intellect, wit, insights, and humor. In “The Myth of Progress” he poses several observations, parts of...
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Basura: Overzealous Ken Starr becomes underzealous

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“Winning isn’t the best thing. It’s the only thing.” — Vince Lombardi Remember Kenneth Starr? He led the investigation of President Bill Clinton’s dalliance with 23-year-old White House intern Monica Lewinsky[1]. Starr conducted a thorough (creepy, over-zealous, bizarre, voyeuristic) investigation of the Bill & Monica Affair, which cost U.S. taxpayers...
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Monday Moanin’: Avoid over borrowing for college

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College applicants need to be warned in big, bold type: “DO NOT BORROW $60,000 TO ATTEND THIS SCHOOL.” Source: Worth a premium, but how much? – The Boston Globe By Dante Ramos, BOSTON GLOBE COLUMNIST , MAY 24, 2016 HIGH SCHOOL seniors barely need to be told about the upside of...
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The Muck Starts Here: Crumbling infrastructure, bad management

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by Barry Hastings Crumbling roads, collapsing bridges, vulnerable power grid, poisoned water supplies, inadequate airports, across the nation, have been ignored for decades by state legislatures and the U.S. Congress. The cost to rebuild or replace the wreckage at all points will run to trillions of dollars, not billions, and...
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