Category: Columns

Democracy Tree: Potty bill is mean-spirited, pandering

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Sen. Tom Casperson (R-38), one of Michigan’s worst lawmakers, who’s currently running in a crowded field to replace U.S. Congressman Dan Benishek in Michigan’s 1st District, has offered his long-expected politically pandering “bathroom bill.” The proposal is a tortured exercise in passive-aggressive doublespeak: First, the legislation...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: MITCA meet loses too often to grad party

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I learned the truth 14 years ago about the state track team championship meet sponsored annually by the Michigan Interscholastic High School Track Coaches Association (MITCA). I learned that despite all we’re told about dedicated athletes in search of individual and school glory, when it comes to the MITCA meet,...
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Army Bob: Be thankful Islamic terrorists haven’t read Mao

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by Robert M. Traxler We as a country are fortunate in a way in that the Islamic terrorists do not understand how to start an insurrection. In Mao Zedong’s Little Red Book he lays out the proper way to conduct an insurgency against an established government. Chairman Mao writes that...
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Democracy Tree: Conversion therapy may be outlawed

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One Michigan lawmaker has been attempting to make “conversion therapy” illegal in the state for a number of years, but he met with little success as a Democrat in a Republican-dominated legislature — now, that may all be about to change. In his first attempt, Rep. Adam Zemke (D-55) introduced...
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Ranger Rick: Hillary, Democrats are out of control

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In an article by Bruce Walker “Hillary May Just Be Dumb,” she is embattled with a person not even a Democrat. Bernie Sanders, an old curmudgeon socialist who wants to tax everything business, give free college educations to everyone, and sing “Kumbaya” holding hands over a camp fire for everyone...
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Monday Moanin’: Too many teachers leaving profession

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by Scott Maxwell, Orlando Sentinel Noah David Lein has always loved teaching. And if you believe the state of Florida, the honors English teacher at Winter Springs High School is precisely the kind of instructor we want in our classrooms. He sparks kids' curiosity and was among only 4 percent...
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The Muck Starts Here: GOP slithers toward Trump

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by Barry Hastings I have to admit I'm not amazed at the number of Republican 'leaders' who loudly claimed they'd "never" support Donald Trump for President, They've come crawling on their bellies (like the reptiles they are) to kiss his butt. This, despite his outrageous lies, ugly comments about Hispanics,...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Churches should have to pay to play

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Kevin Phillips, Republican strategist for Richard Nixon, wrote a book in 1969, "The Emerging Republican Majority," in which he correctly predicted the fall of the rust belt, the rise of the sun belt and proliferation of suburban Yuppies to indeed create the emerging Republican majority from 1969 to 1992. But...
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Basura: What would happen if prayer actually worked?

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“I thought about praying for a bicycle, but then I realized it didn’t work that way. So I stole a bike, and prayed for forgiveness.”  —  Emo Phillips                     I thought about this question when, upon arising, I felt some slight soreness in my left ankle. If prayer actually worked, I would...
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Army Bob: How did Hillary get so rich so quickly?

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by Robert M. Traxler Hillary Clinton, the apparent Democratic candidate for president of the United States, is running against Donald Trump, the apparent Republican nominee. Both candidates are rich (Mr. Trump, very rich), but let’s discuss how that happened. In the American free enterprise Democratic Republic we all have the...
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