Category: Columns

Democracy Tree: Corporate tax breaks wreak fiscal havoc

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GOP leaders blind to long-term corrosive effects of corporate tax breaks: “Temporary fluctuations in statewide tax collections are normal, and the House Republicans have spent six years budgeting responsibly to prepare for situations just like this.” — Republican House Speaker Kevin Cotter Michigan lawmakers are about as myopic as Mr. Magoo when...
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Ranger Rick: Obama over reached on transgender issue

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As an old curmudgeon, most of those in my generation have viewed many changes in American society – some very good — some, in my opinion, not so good. The idea below, supposedly embraced by the president, is not good, in fact, it is dangerous to the possible victims and...
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The Muck Starts Here: Would you believe me…

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by Barry Hastings ... if I told you the third leading cause of death among Americans is "medical error?" Heart disease is #1, cancer #2, mistakes by medical professionals #3. So, it seems, our, "best medical care in the world," which costs more than medical care anywhere else in the...
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Monday Moanin’: Schools of Choice promotes segregation

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by Mike Warner While visiting my mother-in-law she gave me an article titled ‘Urban district, suburban community’ from the March 23, 2016 Holland Sentinel newspaper.  The article focused on the long-term effects of school choice on the Holland Public Schools. The lead sentence of the article stated rather straightforwardly, “State policies that promote school...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: I was guilty of journalistic cowardice

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Olya Schenky, perhaps Wayland’s first-ever Muslim student, left earlier this week to return to the Ukraine, her homeland. I have been told Olya was a model student, an academic achiever, and an incredibly polite and well-mannered young lady. But in these troubled times, I resisted the temptation to do a...
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Army Bob: President Trump’s wall is entirely possible

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by Robert M. Traxler Let’s discuss the history of large border walls. The Great Wall of China is still standing in some places, Hadrian ’s Wall in Britannia (England) and Antonia’s wall in northern Germany, rebuilt in some places as tourist attractions, which attest to the building of large, long...
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Basura: A most unpleasant wife of a sex offender

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“Let’s Go Crazy” — Prince I worked for nine years as a field agent for the Michigan Department of Corrections. I supervised a guy on probation for criminal sexual conduct with an underage girl, a 15-year-old high school student. My duties required me to have him into the office for...
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Ranger Rick: You can buy love if you get yourself a pup

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“He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion.” — Anonymous “Dogs are not our whole...
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Monday Moanin’: Vocational classes keep kids interested

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by Jeffrey Salisbury, Mister Journalism Students who took a number of vocational courses in high school were more likely to graduate from high school. Annie Holmquist | April 14, 2016 Last year, Intellectual Takeout posted a popular quote from Mythbusters star Adam Savage on the need to reinstate shop class....
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The Muck Starts Here: Ashes, to ashes, to dust

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by Barry Hastings Dilemma time for the GOP — their leaders are already caving in to Trump, but the business world ain't gonna' like it, Wall Street ain't gonna' like it, most women don't like it, people of color don't like it, and our military leaders believe him to be...
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