Category: Columns

Ranger Rick: Jimmy Dean and the IOUs to your Mom

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I was listening to an oldies station the other day and came across this gem from Jimmy Dean. You probably know him as the sausage maker, but he was a singer first, then acted, and finally had the idea of making sausage with his brother and was a huge success....
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Monday Moanin’: God’s love In the time of bathroom bills

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by Jennifer Bailey, Sojourners As a clergywoman, I find myself most troubled by the fact the sponsors of these laws often do so in the name of protecting Christianity. Is our Christianity so fragile that it must dictate where people pee? I will never forget the day my friend Aaron...
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The Muck Starts Here: Observations, and more complaints

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by Barry Hastings It's clearly a major problem. Our already filthy-rich drug-making corporations ("Medicine is what they do"), are very deeply involved in the tsunami of opiates/opioids (as you will), and intentionally manufacture far more of them than common sense tells us is legitimate. I recently watched a piece on...
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Army Bob: We ignore news about North Korea at our peril

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by Robert M. Traxler CNN online, hardly a right wing news outlet, announced Saturday that the Peoples’ Republic of Korea (North Korea) fired a BM-25 Taepodong X intermediate range missile from a submarine. The story got a huge yawn from the mainstream media; after all, why is it news that...
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Democracy Tree: Legislator wants to end cruel child punishment

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“Seclusion in schools is a dangerous and unregulated practice that puts children at risk of harm.” — Mark McWilliams, Director of Information, Referral and Education Services at Michigan Protection & Advocacy Service, Inc. Seclusion Room, photo: MPAS by Amy Kerr Hardin Many have seen that heart-wrenching video of the terrified 5-year...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Let’s not let politicians pick their districts

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Today our story is about redistricting. It is not that long ago and not that far away. The year was 2002 and elections were planned for August and November for state-wide offices and Congress and U.S. Senate. The rules insisted that a committee of five people come up with a...
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Army Bob: $15 minimum wage for the oppressed proletariat

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Those of us who have lived a bit of history remember the days when folks with better than average credit were paying 15% interest on home loans. A time when inflation was 14% (1980) and we had terms like the misery index and stagflation. President Richard Nixon had put wage...
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Basura: Gambling’s lure — thrill of uncertainty releases dopamine

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“Something tells me it’s all happenin’ at the zoo I do believe it. I do believe it’s true.” — Simon & Garfunkel My wife and I go to a casino now and then. Sometimes I watch the action as people bet money to try to hit on one game or...
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Ranger Rick: Renegade Republicans are looking out for you

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There are anomalies in the economy throughout history, both low (recession and more drastic; depression) and high (bubbles, inflation). Recession usually happen when economic activity slows and no demand for goods and services.  A recession is when your neighbor loses his job because of deteriorating sales of product or services....
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Monday Moanin’: Testing -1-2-3. More testing? Or no more testing?

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From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning By Jeff Salisbury ​​Three of my four grandchildren are high school-age – 9th, 10th and 11th graders – and as such they completed a week of various standardized tests – for practice – and the “real deal” too. Believe...
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