Category: Columns

Monday Moanin’: What if parental authority overruled BS tests?

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(From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning) By Jeff Salisbury College spring season is just about to wrap up here in Gulf Shores where we’ve been snow-birding for the month. Crazy and chaotic. From our vantage point seven floors up and overlooking the Gulf, we’ve watched...
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The Muck Starts Here: State privatizing presents problems

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by Barry Hastings I have a number of things to complain about this week, so go get some coffee, maybe a Danish (or a doughnut), your thinking cap, and a comfortable chair: Our shaken governor, Herr Schnieder, is on a campaign to shift blame for what's happened to the city...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: The Pledge of Allegiance has socialist roots

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I remember learning the venerable Pledge of Allegiance that was slightly different than what is recited today. Two words, "under God," were added to what I learned. Because I was at a tender age, only in first grade, I didn't think seriously about it until I was much older. Then...
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Army Bob: Are you a racist, intolerant, prejudiced bigot?

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by Robert M. Traxler Let’s discuss the concept of tolerance, the concept of prejudice, the concept of racism. Tolerance simply put is understanding others, prejudice is judging others by the group. No one truly knows what the contemporary definition of a racist is; broadly speaking, anyone who disagrees with a...
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Democracy Tree: Motorists beware of highway bandits with badges

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Highway piracy, American style Planning on a safe domestic vacation over spring break? Be warned then of a growing epidemic of highway piracy across the country. Yep, one of the most unsafe places to travel is right here in the good ol’ United States of America,...
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Basura: Supreme Court appointment is simply politics

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"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it." — MARK TWAIN Justice Antonin Scalia, a self-described constitutional strict constructionist, died suddenly in February. The U.S. Constitution requires that “The President shall nominate a replacement.” The senate is to advise and consent to nominees for...
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Ranger Rick: There is no right to safety in home invasion

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Last week, I viewed a Miami news article about a young man burglarizing a house and setting off the alarm. This was the second recent break-in. The female homeowner, being alerted by her home security system, returned home when 17-year-old Trevon Johnson was shot and killed by the 54-year-old homeowner...
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Monday Moanin’: About Detroit schools, charter schools, tech

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(From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning) “Can Detroit schools be stabilized? Ed Tech - who is being served? Are Charter schools Public schools?” By Jeff Salisbury Why none of the Detroit Public Schools legislation will actually stabilize the district | Detroit Metro Times blog Posted By Allie...
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The Muck Starts Here: What we’ve learned from the primaries

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by Barry Hastings The first lesson was, Maryland residents need not apply (apparently, rightly so). Second came via Ben Carson, viz., The meek shall not inherit the earth (and they'll quickly sign on with the wolves). Third came via Ted Cruz and becomes more obvious daily, The 'Tea Party' patriots...
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Yes It Is It’s True: We Americans really are a violent lot

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H. Rap Brown became infamous about 48 years ago when he was reported to have said, “Violence is as American as apple pie.” Though he was roundly excoriated for the comment, upon re-examination, it appears he was only showing us he had a keen grasp of the obvious. We Americans...
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