Category: Columns

Army Bob: Deny climate change and go to federal/state prison?

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by Robert M. Traxler During a Senate hearing March 10, Attorney General Loretta Lynch did not even come close to ruling out a Federal Bureau of Investigations case investigating people who deny the existence of global climate change under the Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO). The Attorneys General...
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Democracy Tree: Protect student journalism from censorship

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by Amy Kerr Hardin Freedom of Speech for Student Journalists? — Everyone in Michigan, Democrat and Republican, Should Support It. Now, More Than Ever! A certain obnoxious Republican presidential candidate has made it his priority to slam journalists — literally, body slamming them to the ground with no justifiable provocation, and...
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Ranger Rick: Government subsidies cause high education cost

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I recently heard a disturbing fact on the radio by an education “expert” (if there is such a thing) when examining the education of students in Detroit. He asserted a full 92% of students can’t read at their grade level. Whether it is 62%, 72%, or the reported 92%, it...
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Monday Moanin’: Repeat 3rd grade bill undermines teachers

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(From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning) By Jeff Salisbury Public School Educators (active and retired) & Parents & Grandparents... HOUSE BILL 4822 WOULD REQUIRE READING-DELAYED PUPILS TO REPEAT THIRD GRADE & WOULD UNDERMINE THE EFFORTS OF HARD-WORKING MICHIGAN READING TEACHERS 3/11/2016 By Nick Krieger (@nckrieger)...
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Basura: The biting ruination of a U.S. Marine’s tatoo

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Guy had a new tattoo. It was only three days old, and it wasn’t fully healed yet. He wore a bandage on his left forearm a couple days, but he took it off for Saturday night. Guy wanted everyone to know that he was a U.S. Marine. The tattoo showed...
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The Muck Starts Here: Local broadcast news part of problem

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by Barry Hastings There's nothing like a tragedy (or a disaster) to bring out the shallowness of local television broadcast news. They repeat the remarks of local officials, witnesses, kibitzers, cops every half-hour, hour after hour, and are still doing it, eight days after the event. They very quickly begin...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: U.S. 2-party system is in deep doo-doo

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There have been many interpretations and observations offered for Bernie Sanders’ huge upset victory in the Michigan presidential primary March 8. I might as well offer mine. Jimmy Carter was right. There really is a “malaise” that has descended on America and on Michigan, and it is causing a great...
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Democracy Tree: Why pollsters were dead wrong on Michigan

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  Source: AP, via Washington Post by Amy Kerr Hardin Political pollsters, pundits, and prognosticators, including the exalted wizards at Five-Thirty-Eight, truly screwed the pooch by calling the Michigan Democratic primary for Hillary. Those same pundits, now sporting an egg facial, have posited a number of possible factors for their...
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Army Bob: Texting actually may temporarily save written word

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Our family Christmas was probably typical of most around our nation — the older folks talking, the young one texting, heads bowed, eyes fixed on a hand-held communications device. Those of us who are not of the smart phone generation, folks who did not attend grade school with a hand...
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Ranger Rick: This Cruz supporter will vote for Trump if necessary

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The media’s fascination with Donald Trump’s rise in the Republican political scene during the primaries is a joke. They are baffled about why Trump is so popular. The media is the most clueless bunch of idiots, along with establishment Republicans (the likes of McCain, Graham, and McConnell) – they can’t...
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