Category: Columns

Army Bob: Exaggerating history only encourages deniers

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by Robert M. Traxler As a young child, the son of an American soldier stationed in post-World War II (1950s) Germany, I accompanied my father and sisters to Buchenwald, one of the National Socialists’ (NAZI) concentration camps in Germany. During our three years in Germany my father, a man who...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Ritzes, Hudsons athletic royalty in Wayland

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“You’d better watch out. You better not pout. You better not cry. I’m telling you why. Presley Hudson’s coming to town.” Indeed, Wayland’s best-ever female basketball player will be in a Central Michigan uniform to play against Western Michigan University at 2 p.m. Saturday in Kalamazoo. This “homecoming” of sorts...
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Basura: The enduring living legacy of a cherry rocker

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I remember the cherry rocker that was in our home. It had come to our house from my maternal grandmother. I recall that when I was in high school, Grandma Ahern told me that the rocker had been her mother's chair, and that she'd gotten it from her mother. Grandma...
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Monday Moanin’: A couple of ideas for better early education

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(From the blog of Mister Journalism: Reading, Sharing, Discussing, Learning) By Jeff Salisbury Source: Reading Readiness Has To Do With The Body Reading Readiness has to do with the body By Laura Grace Weldon “Today’s kids sit more than ever. Babies spend hours confined in car seats and carriers rather than...
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Barry Hastings: There was a pipeline from Calumet to Notre Dame

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Once upon a time and far, far away, I was living in a place where jobs were hard to find, and, outside a few specific jobs, paid very little. For my first two years in the Upper Peninsua, I worked two jobs, three weekday mornings cooking breakfasts at the Chippewa...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: Sports, religion exploit bad emotions

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“Jesus loves me, but he can’t stand you.” — The Austin Lounge Lizards People who wonder why American politics has gotten so mean and nasty should look no further than sports and religion for an explanation. These two popular and sacred pastimes, by their very nature, are divisive. They divide...
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Army Bob: Is returning $100 billion to Iran a good idea?

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Secretary of State John Kerry has announced that “some” of the more than 100 billion dollars in seized funds we gave back (plus generous interest) to the Islamic Republic of Iran will be used by them to finance terrorism. When we look at even a small portion of the money,...
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Democracy Tree: Run ’em like a business… right into the ground

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by Amy Kerr Hardin As the crowds of dissent gather, it is increasingly obvious what an utter fallacy it is that the elected leaders of Detroit Public Schools and the City of Flint somehow created the conditions under which they found themselves in a rolling state of financial disaster. It...
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Basura: Bobo’s ‘unforgettable’ wine-tasting misadventures

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His name was Bobo Olson Olson. Born an Olson, his father named him for boxing great Bobo Olson. Nobody much remembered the boxer. Ironically, Bobo lacked any sort of hand-eye coordination. The great boxer was long gone. The name was noticed only in that it seemed weird. Bobo was a...
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Ranger Rick: If you really want to see changes, you must vote

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Ranger Rick was selected as my literary name because I relate to the history of the Texas Rangers. Men who were tasked keeping and enforcing the law on the lawless Texas frontier, miles and miles of open country where disaster could come in the form of hostile natives, thieves, rustlers...
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