Category: Columns

Democracy Tree: Lisa Lyons worst GOP lawmaker in Michigan

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She’s at it again — the Michigan lawmaker who likened public school teachers to “pigs” while she served as chair of the House Education Committee in 2013, recently topped that feat as the current chair of the House Elections Committee by insulting her fellow GOP lawmakers through offering a bait-and-switch...
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Basura: My father was an aquatic life saver no fewer than 3 times

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I saw my dad save three people from drowning. One of these occurred at Sterling State Park in southern Michigan on the shore of Lake Erie. It was not a big deal, as my father kept saying. Probably someone else would have acted – but if not, the consequences could...
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Ranger Rick: Donald Trump appears to be the real deal

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Donald Trump — Is he for real? Sure looks like it. When you consider the opposition is a communist/socialist old man (Bernie Sanders), a nobody (Martin O’Malley) and a sexual predator enabler and law breaking Secretary of State (Hillary Clinton) - he looks great. With the funny looking hair (at...
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Democracy Tree: How Gov. Snyder pitted city vs. city in water wars

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by Amy Kerr Hardin The uncertainty created under Gov. Snyder’s emergency manager model of governance fostered dangerous fear-based public policy decisions — Michigan municipalities were pitted one against another — facing trial by fire — of the cut-throat corporate variety. Of all the departments in the City of Flint, why...
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Barry Hastings: This means war between the ‘rabble’ and the GOP

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By Barry Hastings Several months ago, in a piece written for this column (The ticking time-bomb), I said, "I think this guy (Trump) just might be the fatal blow to the GOP." Developing events make me more (and more) comfortable with the statement. On Friday, Jan. 22, the 'stuff began...
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Monday Moanin’: Too much slack in my JC Penney slacks

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By Jeff Salisbury If you follow me on Facebook you probably already know this, but I’ve been on a quest to lose some weight. A lot of weight. Since August, after I watched a PBS special – itwas pledge week actually – about something called The Wheat Belly Diet,...
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Democracy Tree: Michigan’s No. 1 budget priority should be Flint

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While politicians, pundits, candidates, and the media yammer on and on about how best to help Flint, and who may or may not be doing enough — now would be a good time to take the temperature of Michigan residents on their priorities. With a substantial state budget surplus recently...
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Army Bob: Where do candidates stand on eminent domain issue?

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Let’s discuss eminent domain, a topic on which everyone has an unyielding stand on one way or the other. To understand the issue, we need to dwell on a bit of history. We all like to think our ancestors came to the new world for religious freedom, some did. The...
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Yes It Is, It’s True: My cowardice and the tragic tale of Pat Buensch

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Patricia Ann Buensch died this past week at the age of 68. She passed quietly without much fanfare, but there was a time when she was somewhat famous. Pat was featured in the 1963 Wayland High School yearbook. Her picture appeared separate from those of her classmates. Written below her...
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Basura: A tragic U.S. Navy WWII tale of a swimming monkey

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My dad was in the Navy in World War II, serving on a tanker ship, carrying fuel. I can't remember if he said that they were carrying oil or gasoline; perhaps it was loaded differently at different times. I do remember him saying that if  a gas tanker went down,...
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